7-constant coldness and news reports

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*Lydia's POV*

My best friend is getting married! Derek and Abby have decided they want to get married as soon as they can so they've already started planning - or rather, Abby and I have begun planning while the boys are doing something a little different in the planning stages.

The boys have been looking for apartments and houses.

Sam and I already planned on finding a new house before the baby was born so that it could have its own room and everything. Due to the gang, we were economically stable enough to afford a house and so decided to skip the apartment stage and move straight into a big old house.

Abby and Derek are a little different though. Since Abby's mum kicked her out, Derek originally planned for her to move into his house. But, Abby said that would be weird, living in the same house as his parents while they *cough* enjoy themselves before the wedding.

So, they decided to join our home hunting. Since Abby had no money after her mother took it, and Derek only had a small amount saved up, they decided that an apartment would be best for them temporarily - no matter how much I offered to loan them the money to buy a house, they refused, saying that we'd already done so much for them.

So here I was, laying on my bed, 10 weeks pregnant, discussing Abby's wedding at four in the morning - a lot truly has happened in the past 6 and a half hours. A smile slipped onto my face at the thoughts in my head.

The door suddenly opened and Sam and Derek came strolling into the room, faces drooping with sleep. "Okay girlies, bed time," Derek announced.

"Seen as Lydia is pregnant, we get the bed, but you guys can take the air mattress for tonight, just for simplicity. Lyd and I have to be up by nine tomorrow to start training, but you guys can sleep in until whenever. But - and I mean this with as much friendliness as I possess - don't go defiling lyd's living room!" Sam explained, gesturing downstairs where I knew that he'd already set up a bed for our friends.

Derek took Abby's hand before sending us a smile and leaving the room to go to their temporary bed. Sam however, took a running start before jumping onto our bed, making me bounce as he landed. He then pulled me towards him so that we rested in our usual sleeping position.

I turned to him, "thank you Sam."

"What for?" He murmured, already half asleep.

"For putting your hatred for Derek aside and helping them. I know he's not your - or mine for that matter - favourite person, but he deserves a chance to be happy; so thank you for helping," I leaned forwards to kiss him gently. His half-awake-self returned the kiss before I pulled away and turned over so that my back was against his front.

His arms wrapped around me as I soon felt his warm breath against the back of my ear, "anything for you beautiful. Besides, I'd want them to help us if it were the other way around."

Another smile made its way onto my face as he kissed the exposed skin of my shoulder before laying his head down and falling asleep. I joined him shortly after, thoughts of weddings, new houses and babies filling my head.


"Lyd, as much as I don't want to have to wake you up while you're actually sleeping, we have to get up," Sam's husky morning voice sent shivers down my spine. He was stood above me, hovering over the side of the bed in an attempt to wake me up; it wasn't working.

Without a second thought, I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back onto the bed, cuddling up to his warm body. For a moment, he wrapped his arms around me, allowing me to cuddle up to him.

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