8-Living to die and walking out

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*Sam's POV*

It's been a single week since I saw the news report.

One week.

And yet it feels like something a lot longer.

A year?

A century?

Something like that anyway.

He wasn't really a dad to me, just a man that donated his sperm to impregnate my non-existent mother and then left me to it for the rest of my days. I deserved better, but I didn't get it.

Don't we all deserve better though? Don't we deserve the chance to choose who we have as parents, or friends? We deserve it, but we don't get a choice. Our life is picked out for us already.

In reality, we're just living our life out the way that some superior being has mapped out, before we die and honestly, who knows what happens after that?

No, in reality, we're just living to die. Everything else that happens in between isn't our choice; its planned.

*Lydia's POV*
Something is wrong with him. He hasn't said anything but I know him. I know how he normally acts and even if he continues to act pretty much the same, I notice the differences.

Sam spaces out a lot more frequently but I don't think he even realises it. He's also quieter...but that doesn't change even if I point it out. There's more things that I've noticed - like the darker colours he wears, or the fact that his smile doesn't reach his eyes anymore - but pointing them out won't change anything.

I know my boyfriend. And that isn't his natural self.

If I know one thing, it's that Sam is troubled by the death of his father. Even if he was a bad dad that left his son to pretty much live on his own (or at least fight for survival on his own), Sam still loved him because he was his dad. Children can't help but love their parents - no matter how badly they are treated - it's in their blood to love those who helped give them life.

Despite my focus being dragged towards Sam's newly adapted behaviour, I couldn't help but notice someone else acting strangely.

We've been planning Abby and Derek's wedding - which they want to have soon so that they can tie the knot and begin the next chapter in their lives. Derek and Sam have managed to find a house for Sam and I, but are still looking for a suitable apartment for Derek and Abby (or at least, they were looking, before Sam started changing).

Abby is 100% ready to go; she's definitely committed. But sometimes, it seems as if Derek is worried about something. And I intend to find out what it is.


"What should I do dad?" I pleaded for his reply, needing to hear his comforting words.

Another two days had passed, and Sam seemed to only get worse. I have no idea what to do anymore.

"Honey, he just needs someone to be there for him; just give him some t-" he began but I cut him off.

"I've given him time dad! I've given him a week and two freaking days and each day that goes by seems to make him worse! What can I really do?!" A sigh of frustration leaves my mouth as I flop down onto the sofa the best I could with my ever-swelling stomach. My head was rested just beside his leg and his fingers ran through my hair like he used to when I was younger, it seemed to have a calming affect on me.

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