6-keeping her close

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*Derek's POV*

It broke me. She broke me because she pushed me away. Sleep was impossible and everything my mum forced me to eat felt and tasted like sandpaper - I can't function without her.

I feel like I'm in one of those stupid love stories where the jerk (me) falls in love with the unknowing and innocent girl (my beautiful Abby), even if she really isn't that innocent *waggles eyebrows*. It's like I'm drawn to her; she's taken a part of me in exchange for a part of her and now I can't work properly unless she's near.

I need her.

When I got a call from Sam at 10:08, telling me that Abby had turned up, crying her eyes out, at their front door, I felt an immediate pang in my heart. I knew from the beginning of our relationship that I loved her, that's actually one of the things I told her when I confessed I wanted to be in a relationship with her, so the pain in my heart didn't surprise me, but it did give me my next moves.

I told Sam that I'd be over in half an hour, knowing that what I had planned would take at least 20 minutes and then the drive there and back to their house would take at least 10 minutes. Then, I slipped on some new clothes, brushed my teeth and jumped in the car, heading to the shop that was clear in my mind.

*Abby's POV*
I know that when you saw my name just above this, with the abbreviation of point of view beside it, you probably thought you'd be reading my words of sorrow; reading while I drone on and on about how confused and lonely I feel , how worthless I've been made to feel all because of one woman and the choices I've made.

But, I'm going to stop your thoughts right there. I know that you know how I feel. Sure, you've probably never been in my situation, experienced what I've experienced, seen what I've seen or felt what I feel all at once, but I know you know. So I'm not going to explain something you already understand, it's just pointless and a waste of time.

No? This is my POV so I'm going to write what I want to write about anyway. I could write about unicorns and what could you really do? Stop reading? Oh, have fun, I know you'll miss me *winks cheekily*.

Anyway... To get back to the actual story...

Lydia left the room after telling me that Derek was here. I know I'd promised to let him talk and everything similar when Lyd told me, but I couldn't help but let out a squeak and dive beneath the covers on their bed when she left.

There were a few murmurs behind the door before I heard it groan a little and footsteps could be heard. Heavy ones were going downstairs, whilst only one entered the room. The door closed, the hinges groaning in protest, and the footsteps continued to disrupt the silence in the bedroom, all the while, I stayed hidden beneath the duvet.

Eventually, the footsteps halted and there was a dip in the bed created as Derek obviously sat down in front of me. I couldn't see anything but I knew that he was just watching the lump in the bed (a.k.a. me) as it slowly moved up and down, breathing shallowly.

It seemed like a year later, but his hand gently came to lift the duvet from above my head before he lifted me from the mattress and onto his lap. His arms wrapped around my waist as he rested his head in my hair, holding me as I I'd been gone for decades.

"God Abby, I've missed you," he breathed into my hair.

"I've missed you too," I admitted, returning his embrace and scrunching my eyes closed in order to saviour the moment.

"Never push me away again baby, please." He was begging me. Not trusting my voice, I just shook my head, making a silent promise to him, never to leave or push him away.

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