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*Lydia's POV*

My alarm clock shook me from my dreams, quickly shaking me awake enough to recognise the now-familiar morning sickness. When I tried to scamper from my bed in order to make a mad dash for the bathroom, I was stopped by an arm pulling me closer to a deliciously warm body.

I sighed, embracing the heat for a single moment before another wave of nausea hit me. "Sam, I'm gunna be sick," I shook him awake, jetting for the bathroom as soon as he drowsily lifted his arm.

"Is it morning sickness baby?" Sam's groggy morning voice called before he wandered into the bathroom, sweeping my hair into his hands to hold it out of my way.

Due my inability to respond, I just waited until the nausea passed before nodding meekly. "It seems to be getting worse despite me still being so early!" I complained, my head spinning.

Sam's hand engulfed one of my own while his other rested on the small baby bump. "You know, Abby and Derek suggested that maybe the symptoms are appearing so badly, so early because there's more than one baby?"

My breath hitched, "wouldn't they have spotted it by now? Or at least heard the heart beat?"

He shook his head, "apparently, one of the babies could be hidden behind the other, and the heartbeat could be faint enough to be disguised by yours and the other baby's."

I nodded, processing the information, "I think I'll make another appointment, if not to check for possibilities of multiples, then just to see if theres anything to explain and/or reduce the symptoms."

He placed a kiss on my forehead before we got up. I quickly brushed me teeth to rid of the horrid taste in my mouth, while Sam went to get dressed.

I walked out of the bathroom, only to see Sam pulling a black, form-fitting t-shirt over his head, his muscles flexing as he did. Smiling at my amazing boyfriend, I wandered over to the closet, pulling out a pair of jeans and one of Sam's large t-shirts. It took me a few minutes to change, sort my hair into a side braid and add a coat of mascara, but when I was done, I was content with my appearance - at least as content as you can be when your stomach is protruding more and more each day.

Next, I called my doctor, arranging an appointment for 2 o'clock today (the only available time for such short notice). When I went downstairs, there was a note stuck to the fridge saying that dad, Ilene and Chris had gone out to a theme park for Chris's birthday, and they would be back tonight.

Sam cooked me some waffles for breakfast, so we both grabbed our plates and drizzled syrup on them. I went to cut a chunk off of them, but Sam stopped me, fetching a tub of vanilla ice cream from the freezer and popping one scoop on top of the still-warm waffles.

"Isn't that usually a dessert topping?" I asked, shrugging and digging in despite my curiosity.

"Yeah, but I prefer them with ice cream and I know how much you like it," he smiled cheekily after finishing his mouthful. We ate the rest of our breakfast in a comfortable silence, then settled down to watch a movie before we had to leave to go to the appointment.

In the car, Ed Sheeran's new song 'shape of you' started playing and immediately I began belting the lyrics, "-girl you know I want your love, your love was handmade for somebody like me, come on now, follow my lead, I may be crazy, don't mind me, say boy-"

Sam looked at me strangely, "how the hell have you memorised this whole song already Lyd, it's only been out for two flippin' days?!"

Flushing brightly, I mumbled out, "I've already listened to this song loads, it's a good song..." He just laughed and I went back to the tune, losing myself in the lyrics to the point I didn't stop until the song cut near the end when Sam turned the car off. "Hey!" I exclaimed, "what was th-" I looked around, seeing why he's stopped the car. "Oh."

Sam laughed at me again, hopping out of the car and opening my door a moment later. He held my hand as we headed for the main desk and all the way into the doctor's room, only letting it go to sit down, before he quickly took it back again, looping our fingers together once more after I'd settled onto the bed.

"Good afternoon you two," Dr Bennett smiled at me, flashing her pearly teeth.

"Good afternoon," we replied simultaneously, laughing as we did so.

She smiled at us again, settling into her chair with her clipboard resting on her knee. "So, why did you request to see me today upon such short notice?"

Sam squeezed my hand, "I've been having symptoms quite badly, despite it being so early in my pregnancy, so I though you could find out why, and maybe try to find something to reduce them?" I suggested.

"You're nearly 12 weeks pregnant, so you're due another scan, we'll start with that and then discuss the reasons of your premature symptoms. You going lay back for me sweetheart? T-shirt up," she instructed, smearing the jelly on my stomach which sent a shiver through my body due to the temperature.

The ultrasound machine started up with a few beeps before the black screen popped up and the doctor pressed the wand to my swollen belly. She made a few sounds of surprise as she wiggled it around, sliding it from left to right as the grey lines appeared on the screen. "Hmmm....curious, very curious..." She murmured but this time, I couldn't resist.

"Dr, what's curious exactly?" She jumped as if forgetting my presence.

"Oh, um... Well you see- it seems that you're premature symptoms are definitely natural Lydia," she confirmed.

"I'm having twins?" I ask excitedly, always loving the idea of having two babies at once, despite the pain. My Grandmother was a twin so that would explain where this had come from. As far as i'm aware, Sam didn't have any twins in his direct family so it would come from mine. 

She hesitated, "not exactly." My eyebrows furrowed and when I looked at Sam, his head was tilted slightly to the side in confusion. The pause seemed to be extended, lasting a fairly long time before she finally revealed what she meant. "You're not having twins, you're having triplets!"

A/N: OMG! Am I the only one in love with ed Sheeran's new songs?!?!  I've already got 'shape of you' pretty much memorised and I've had it stuck in my head all day!

M'kay, so now you know that Lydia is pregnant with not one, not two, but THREE babies!!!

Sorry it's short but I didn't want to continue the chapter into the next big event and make it really long.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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