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I go answer the door to see a police officer at my door, "hello officer, what can I help u with?" I ask "Miss Curtale?" He ask "yes" sadness crosses his eyes "I'm really sorry to say this but your dad has been killed" I think my heart just stop "what? No that can't be true. Please tell me that's not true" I say through tears as my hands start to shake "I'm sorry miss, I wish I could tell you other wise" the police officer looks up at Thomas who is now by my side "what's going on?" He asks I just shake my head and cry into Thomas' chest "hey, hey what's wrong?" Thomas says "he's dead, the only family i had is dead" I say in between sobs "I'm sorry" he says rubbing my back, I pull away and grab my phone, I call Alexis, she's always been there for me "hello" she answers "hey Lexi, are you busy at the moment?" I ask "no why? Have you been crying?" "Do you think you could come over?" "Let me ask" I hear Alexis asking her mum "yeah, I'm on my way. What happened?" "It's dad, he's" I couldn't finish because I started crying again "shh, I'm on my way" "okay" I manage to say.
10 minutes later Alexis showed up, I told Thomas that he should go out for a bit because if he didn't Alexis would be all over him. "Bella, what happened?" She asked giving me a hug "he, he's, he's dead" I manage to get out "I'm so sorry" she whispers "He's all I had" "Hey, hey you still have me" she said with a smile "You know what I mean, Lexi" I say returning the smile slightly "I saw Adrian and Michael the other day" I say "Really?" I nod "Adrian and I got into a fight, and I said goodbye then the next morning he came over and I told him to get lost. then I saw Michael when I went to the city and that didn't go well either" I say as a few tears fall "I know what will cheer you up" Alexis said with a smirk "What? you gonna get me Dylan O'Brien or Theo James" I say laughing a bit at the end "If I could I would, no it includes ice cream and movies with Thomas Sangster in them, so he can just melt our hearts away with that accent of his" she says "Okay, you get the ice cream out and I'll get the movies, starting with Love Actually, then Nanny McPhee and after that Maze Runner and if you can stay longer we might be able to watch Scorch Trials" I say with a bit of a laugh, wait I have to call Thomas to tell him that he might not be able to come back for like who knows how many hours "I just need to make a phone call I'll be back in a second" "Okay, Minabella" Alexis said with a smirk. I call Thomas and tell him what's going on, and I'll have to call him when she leaves.

half way through The Maze Runner, Alexis had to leave. I called Thomas and he said he'll be back in 20 minutes. I cried for a while before Thomas came "How you feeling?" Thomas asked taking a seat next to me "Like life's not worth living" I say wiping my face "Hey don't say that, I'm sure that  your dad wanted you to live a long and happy life" Thomas says wrapping an arm around my shoulders "Happy? yeah right, I literally have no family left. School is hell because all my class likes doing is getting into trouble and I have to suffer for it and I'm over it. I-I just can't handle things anymore" I say "It'll be alright, I promise" "Don't promise things like that, I know it's not going to be alright. things never are when they come to me" thomas sighs, then his phone rings "Hey Dylan, man this isn't a good time" he says "Umm, Michael's step sister Isabella, remember her? yeah well her dad" was the last thing I heard before he went at the back. Now what am I going to do? I don't have anyone

Life changes in a matter of a second ( a Thomas Brodie Sangster fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now