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Thomas pov:
I watch as Isabella takes off on her motorbike. I get why she does want to kill Nathan but to actually go out and to be trained to kill that's a whole different story. "is everything alright?" Ava asks coming up to me, I nod "yeah" "then what was all the yelling about?" she asks raising an eyebrow, well I can't lie to her now can I "well, I just got told that Isabella has been trained for the past month to become a killer, and the police gave her a licence to kill Nathan, her step brother because she found out that he was the one that killed her dad" I explain with a sigh at the end "oh. And let me guess your trying to get it through her head that she shouldn't?" "What do u think Av, she's just a kid she shouldn't be in this mess" "Thomas, I understand but I'm not the one that u should be telling this to, u should be telling her that" I nod "why do u think that I want to ask her to come back with us the England for? She really needs a break from all this bullshit" I say running a hand through my hair "wait, u we're going to ask me to come back to England with u?" I hear Isabella ask as she comes into view oh god well I can't lie now "umm yeah I was going to ask" I say "is that the reason why u didn't want me doing well, this?" She asks and I know what she means, so I nod "I don't want to see u get hurt, your already been through so much" I explain she just stands there, and the only thing I can hear is the wind "look thomas, as much as I would love to just pack up and leave I can't. I can't leave my things here with no one keeping an eye on them" she says, sadness filled in her eyes "yeah I understand that. But that's why I was thinking that maybe u could move to England, u know live there even" she thinks about it for a moment "I can't leave my friends behind. But I guess I could always come back and see them right?" Then her phone rings "hey Lexi" she answers "Lexi u don't have to worry about me, I'm strong remember? I can look after myself" obviously Alexis is talking. "I don't know when I'm coming back to school, maybe I never will because I might be moving" "not schools. More like countries, sis I might be moving to England" she has to pull the phone away from her ear, she looks at me before walking inside to finish her conversation "i thought she didn't have a sister?" Ava asks "she doesn't. It's her best friend and they classify each other as sisters" "well it looks like she might be moving back with us. But the question is where is we going to stay?" "Got that covered, little sis" I say with a smirk, "I was thinking that she could stay with me" "and how does your girlfriend think of the idea?" "she doesn't know yet. anyway, it's not like she will be against the idea" she just rolls her eyes "hey are you guys coming in or what? unless you want to stay out there and get sick" I hear Isabella say from the door, Ava and I walk inside "so what do you guys want to eat? I could order pizza if you want" I shake my head "we are going out, and you are eating" this time it's her turn to shake her head "I rather that I don't eat" "Isabella you have to eat something" Ava says, it looked like Isabella was about to say something than her phone rang, she picks it up and her facial expression changes by the looks of it she's pissed.

Isabella's pov:

I hear my phone start ringing, I have a look at the ID to see who it is. Adrian, not the person I wanted to talk to at the moment. "hello" I answer, trying to hide the fact that I was pissed "Bella, why didn't you tell me that your dad died?" was the first thing that he said "I don't know, why do you care?" I say back "I do care he was my uncle. who else knows that uncle Vince died?" "besides, Nathan since he was the one that killed him, my friends that are the only ones that actually care about me, and who ever told you" "wait Nathan, as your brother-" "he's not my brother, and you're not my cousin so fuck off and leave me alone" I say before hanging up "sorry about that guys" I say looking at the ground "there's nothing to be sorry about love" Thomas says, I nod before walking into the garage and I let all my thoughts consume me.

Life changes in a matter of a second ( a Thomas Brodie Sangster fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now