leave me alone

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I run and run, but Thomas always seems to be too close to me, well he is chasing me after all. "leave me alone Thomas" I scream at him, through sobs. and then, of course I trip over my own feet. fuck. Thomas is now by my side "god, you're annoying sometimes" he whispers, taking my arm to look at the deep cut, that goes all the way up my forearm. "if I'm annoying why don't you just leave me alone" I whisper, so soft that I think that I didn't actually say anything. Thomas helps me up, "what's up with you? you've been moody lately" I shrug, because I don't want to answer him "come on, lets go home" this isn't my home. We walk the way that we just ran, Thomas says somethings but I don't listen, I really don't want to listen.

When we get back to the apartment, Lexi comes up to me "what happened?" She asks, worry laced in her voice "I tripped, nothing to worry about" I say giving her a force smile, that I know that she won't believe, she takes my arm and drags me to the bathroom "what's wrong? I know that something happened" I shake my head "I heard u screaming at Thomas" I look down, shit "I don't want to be here" I whisper to her looking down at my arm with the cut "what? I thought u like it here" she says very confused "I do, but I miss home. I miss my old life, I don't like who I am now" I say tears filling my eyes "it'll be alright, sis" then there's a knock on the door "is everything alright in there?" It's not thomas, so I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's Angus, I get up and open the door to see Angus, what a guess. "What are u doing here?" I ask "I heard what happened between u and Thomas and I wanted to see if u were alright" "yeah I'm fine" I say giving him a small smile, he takes my arm and looks at the cut "what happened?" "I fell running away from Thomas" I say looking down "why were u running away from Thomas?" Alexis asks from behind me "I just wanted to be left alone" I say tears filling my eyes, I free my arm from Angus' grip and make a run for it, I go to my rom and jump off my balcony onto the tree, climb down and run. Where I'm going? I have no idea. I just keep running until I reach a park, and sit on a branch of one of the trees. I close my eyes and try to clear my head of all of my thoughts. It's peaceful, until my phone starts ringing, I press the top button and don't answer. It's Adrian anyway so why would I? "So u run away and go to a park" Angus, I look down at him as he starts climbing "yeah, I umm just u know umm wanted to be alone for a while" I say, he just looks at me with a smirk on his face, "what?" He shakes his head "u are on weird person, u know that?" He says "yeah, I'm aware of it" I say with a smile "Thomas and your mate alexis are looking for u" I sigh "and let me guess, u we're helping them find me and now that u did, you're going to try get me to go back?" He smirks "yeah that was the plan" I roll my eyes "well don't bother, cause I'm not going to back. For a while anyway" I say looking away "angle, look at me" Angus says, I look at him "what's wrong? I know this might sound weird, but I always hear u screaming" thought he might of "yeah, that'll be me screaming at my cousin. I have bad family issues and I really don't want to go into it" he nods,  "is that why u haven't been, happy lately?" I nod "yeah, it just really gets to me, ya know. Sometimes it gets too much to handle and I start pushing people away" I whisper the last part looking away again.

After a while of talking, Angus finally convinces me to go back to Thomas' apartment. When I walk in, Thomas and Alexis are siting on the couch looking worried as hell. "Where the hell have I been?" Thomas asks when he sees me "just at the park" I whisper not looking at him. Thomas sighs, "I'm sorry that I snapped at u before" I say to him "it's alright, love" I nod before walking into my room. I take my phone from my pocket, let's see 30 miss calls from Adrian, 10 from Thomas and 15 from Lexi. Oh well, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. But I did talk to Angus. I shrug to myself, who cares anymore? Cause I don't. I scroll through the conversation Adrian and I had a long time ago, I caused him of blowing me off all the time because he never to my texts. That was the first fight we had, I cried myself to sleep that night. I cried every time I use to read it, but not anymore. It's like I built a cage around my heart. Only a few people are allowed in, incase my heart shatters into a million prices like before that are starting to mend together. I close my eyes, that's when I realise how tired I am and sleep takes over quickly.

Life changes in a matter of a second ( a Thomas Brodie Sangster fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now