Past comes back

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"That was such a awesome movie" I say when we exit the movie theatre "nice movie pick, that was pretty cool" Angus says kissing my cheek, I roll my eyes before checking the time, 11:43am. "Shit, we might just make it home" Angus looks at me weirdly "we promised Paul that we'll be home for lunch" I say refreshing his memory, he sighs "I'm gonna kill that kid, he sees you more than I do" I laugh "he's only two Angus, leave him alone" I say, getting in his car.

When we pull up on the driveway, I see Thomas and Paul, waiting for us outside. When I get out of the car Paul runs to me and jumps into my arms, I pick him up "I told you we'll be back for lunch" i say before kissing his cheek, he giggles "daddy ordered pizza" I look at Thomas who smiles at me, while talking to Angus "good, because I'm hungry" I say looking back at Paul. We go inside, Paul still in my hands, Angus behind me whispers to me "don't forget that I'm taking you out later" "don't worry I haven't" I say giving him a quick peck on the lips "gross" Paul says, I laugh as I put him on the couch "so what do you want to do in the mean time, before the pizza comes?" Thomas asks, I look at Angus who shrugs "no idea" I say sitting down next to Angus, who makes me sit on his lap and I giggle as he kisses my neck "can we watch cars two?" Paul asks Thomas "you watch that this morning buddy" "tommy, let him watch it" I say, Thomas sighs getting up to put the movie on for Paul.

"Hey, after lunch I'm gonna head home and then come back to pick you up at 5:30, cause I'm taking you somewhere" Angus says holding me closer to him "like where?" I ask raising an eyebrow "I'm not telling, that would ruin the surprise. Oh, yeah and wear something nice" "like a dress?" He nods, I let out a sigh "okay fine" he kisses my cheek "love you" "love you too" I say back before kissing his cheek.

After we ate, Angus left to get ready for our date tonight. Which is in 2 hours, I just have enough time to find something nice to wear, and to try make myself look beautiful.

I had a quick shower and as soon as I got out my phone starts ringing, "hello?" I answer "hello Isabella" it's a man, but I don't know who. "Who is this?" "Don't you remember me? It's me Nathan your brother" my heart stopped, this isn't happening "are you there?" I hanged up on him, I tried to calm myself down which worked a bit, but not completely. How the hell did he get my number?I tried to put it behind me as I got ready for my date, since Angus is gonna be here soon. I quickly did my makeup. Got on my favourite red dress, with matching red heels, and did my hair in lose curls. I actually didn't look that bad.

There's a knock on my door "Izzy, Angus is here" Isabella says from the other side of the door "coming" I say, I take one more look in the mirror just forget that Nathan called you, and never answer that number again. I told myself before walking out of my room.

I walk into the living room to see Angus, with a smile on his face like
always. Once he sees me his jaw dropped "wow, you look absolutely stunning" I look down and blush "thanks handsome" I say looking at him with a smile "let's get going" I nod and follow him outside to his car, he opens my door for me like the gentleman that he is "thanks" I say "welcome" he says before he closes the door behind me and walks to the drivers side and hops in.

The drive was quite, but it was peaceful. When the car stopped, I realised where we were. It's the same park that Angus took me three years ago. The one with the tree house that we built (yeah alexis was there too, but she didn't do much to help) "why are we here?" I ask looking at Angus who has a smirk on "you'll see angle" I roll my eyes as we both get out of the car. Angus takes my hand, and leads the way to our secret please.

Once we get there, it's all decorated with fairy lights and candles around, I look at Angus who is already looking at me "babe, this is beautiful" I say, kissing his cheek "it is. But it will never be as beautiful as you" he says, and we meet in a passionate kiss. When we pull apart, our foreheads touching "I love you Isabella, with all my heart" he whispers "I love you too Angus, forever and always"

Angus takes my hand and helps me up to the tree house, when I reach the top, I see candles lit, a picnic blanket on the floor with rose peddles around it. I look at Angus, tears filling my eyes "this is the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever done for me. How'd I get so lucky to have you?" I say giving him a hug "you deserve it angle, all of it. You're the best thing that had ever happened to me" he says lifting chin with two fingers so I'm looking at him, and he gives me a gentle kiss on the lips.

He takes my hand in his as we take a seat on the blanket. "So tell me, what's been bothering you since I left?" I look at him weirdly "what are you talking about?" I ask, he looks up at me "I can tell when something is bothering you, I've know you long enough to know. So what's up?" I look down, should I tell him about Nathan calling? If I do he'll just get him worried about me. "It's nothing to worry about" I say looking at him giving him a small smile, I really don't want to talk about it, so get the hint. He nods, I can tell that he isn't convinced about what I said, but I know he's gonna bring it up another time. Better then, then now.

We stayed here for the rest of the night, Angus brought food, and for dessert we had chocolate covered strawberries. Yum! Now we're just laying there in each other's arms, my head resting on his chest "this is so peaceful, I wish we never had to leave" I whisper "me too sweetheart". I close my eyes and just focus on his heartbeat, the next thing I know is that I'm asleep.


I'm in year 3 and it's the 2 week holidays. And Michael and Nathan are spending time with us. We just finished having lunch, which was pasta.  Now we're lying on the couch watching Fast and Furious. I'm lying next to Nathan, and my dad on the other side of me.

Half way through the movie, Nathan gets up a gun in hand a shots dad in the head multiple times. Then our family car that contains James and mum smash into the house that is across from us.  "Enjoy living in misery for the rest of your life you bitch" Michael says before slapping me on the face, before him and Nathan run out of the house leaving me in tears on the floor

~end of dream~

"Bella, Isabella wake up. Bella " Angus says shaking me awake, I open my eyes but they're blurry, I look at Angus trying to not let the tears fall. "What was it about?" He asks softly placing my hair behind my ear. I just shake my head. I hate talking about my dreams. Nightmares. Memories. Whatever you want to call them.

"Hun, tell me what's wrong?" Angus tries again but I shake my head and look away as tears fall from my eyes. I'm not even bothered to wipe them, so I just let them fall, Angus places two fingers under my chin and makes me face him but I refuse to look in his eyes. He wipes my tears away with the pad of his thumb. "Please tell me, I'm worried about you" he whispers, "it was just about Michael and Nathan. And umm, also" I clear my throat "somehow Nathan got my number and he called me earlier. I didn't know it was him, until he told me who he was" I explain, still not looking at him, it's quite for a while so I look at him and (as always) he is looking at me.

He moves closer to me, and wraps his arms around me and I burry my head into his chest, I let out a sigh before saying in a whisper "why does the world hate me so much?" "The world doesn't hate you angle" he whispers back stroking my hair "then why is this happening to me?" "I think you know the answer to that" "because I can't let go of things?" I sigh "yeah" he says, kissing the top of my head.  

Life changes in a matter of a second ( a Thomas Brodie Sangster fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now