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I had no ideas for the title, so just go with it✨

Thomas took me, I have know idea where but it was nice. And he was right I wasn't throwing up because of the food it's because of eating with other families and I guess that made me sick. Anyway, when we got home I finished unpacking the rest of my stuff with Thomas' help "hey Thomas, what am I going to do about school?" I ask "crap I almost forgot about that. Umm, leave that to me okay?" "Okay" I say chuckling he just rolls his eyes at me "have u talked to your friend lately?" "Yeah, she called this morning after Adrian did" I say with a sigh "hey, I promised that I'll take u back to see her" Thomas says with a smile and I return the smile "yeah I know" I say.
After we finished unpacking all my shit we just sat and watched TV for a while and I was starting to get board, really board. I got up and went to my room, on my balcony just enjoying the view "I can't believe that I'm here" I whisper to myself. I started to think about my old school. Let's say after Thomas left I went to school for one day and got expelled because I got into a massive fight with the year 9's and let's say some smelt like garbage because their head was in the bin, literally. Yeah it was really bad, I punch a guy so hard that he was knocked unconscious. No one knows about it. Alexis doesn't even know about it. Rocky Marciano that's who I thought about when I knocked the guy out. I remember my dad telling me that Rocky Marciano didn't know how to box at first but when he took a swing he knocked the guy unconscious then he started his boxing career. "What are I doing out here by yourself?" Thomas asks standing next to me, I shrug "just thinking" I say "about what?" Think of a lie, think of a lie. I got nothing so I just shrug again "what are u hiding form me?" Tom asks with a smirk "umm, okay I should tell u about why I wasn't at school. After u left I did go back to school for one day, but them I got expelled" I say looking down "expelled? Why did u get expelled?" "I got into a fight with some year nine boys, one guy'shead was in the bin another guy was knocked unconscious by one of my punches the others ran away like girls" I admit "holly shit Isabella. What the hell made u do that?" Thomas asked almost yelling at me "I had reasons" I whisper he sighs, I look up at him and he's rubbing his forehead "no one knows do they?" "No. You're the only one and I'll like to keep it that way" I say as he looks at me " well the past is the past and there is nothing we can do about it. But do me a favour and don't get expelled from your school over here" " wasn't planing on too" I say with a smile and he returns the gesture "come on let's go inside it's getting cold out here" I nod and follow Thomas inside which is so much warmer than outside.
We spent the rest of the night just watching movies, talking and laughing until we fell asleep. Okay I fell asleep not Thomas.
When I woke up, I woke up on Thomas' lap, holly shit balls. "Morning love" tom said "what time is it?" I ask sitting up and moving away from tom "it's around one in the morning" "sorry about sleeping on your lap" "it's alright love. Come on let's go to bed, it's late and we both could use the sleep" I nodded and walked into my room, fall in my bed and fall asleep not even bothering to get under the covers.
~ next morning, sort of (when they wake up)~
I grabbed my phone and looked at the time 8:30am I groaned while rubbing my eyes and I fall out of my bed with a loud thump "are u okay?" Tom asks from the door "that hurt, but I'm fine" I say standing then we both burst into a fight of laughter, I'm so god damn lucky that I get to live with my celebrity crush, he's just so perfect. What am I thinking? I can't think about stuff like that, because knowing me it's going to bloody slip out "come on breakfast" I walk out of my room and into the kitchen beside tom. Then a thought hit me "Thomas, when u go back to filming who is going to look after me? I can look after myself but I don't know London like I know my old home" I say he thinks about it for a minute "I'll get Ava or one of my family members to look after u, but for now let's not think about it alright?" "Alright" I say with a sigh. After breakfast I had a quick shower and got dressed, since Thomas just told me that Ava was planing to take me out for the day, probably shopping for clothes and shit like that. Thomas went out a while ago so I'm sat in the apartment waiting for Ava to pick me up.
Ava finally arrived, I locked up and headed downstairs to her car. The drive was quite, okay it wasn't I was quite Ava was going in about all different kinds of shops, and so on. I zoned out like the first 5 minutes of her talking. I look out the window just admiring the streets "you really like it here, don't u?" Ava asked "yeah, and I'm having a hard time believing that I'm actually here and living with tommy" I say with a smile "don't worry you'll get use got his pace in no time" Ava says with a smile of her own.
After a long day of shopping she drops me off "thank u so much Ava for this, I had a good time" I say "no problem Bella, say hi to Thomas for me" "I will bye" I say before walking into the building and heading up to Thomas' apartment. When I get inside thomas isn't there, I let out a sigh and take all my bags to my room I take my shoes off and get some water from the fridge, I walk over to the couch and put the TV on.
A half an hour later Thomas and Isabella, his girlfriend come back "hey, izzy" tom says "hey" I say going on wattpad to see what has been updated, 10 updates and 1 follower, and I follow them back "what did u and Ava get up to?" He asks "shopping" I say rolling my eyes "we haven't properly meet. I Isabella Melling" she says "Isabella Curtale, nice to meet u" I say as sweet as I can, putting my hand out for her to shake and she does "wow u have a firm grip" Isabella says rubbing her hand "thanks" I say getting up "where u going?" Tom asks "my room, I'll  leave u two alone" i say walking to my room.
2 hours has passed and I still have no idea what to do, at the moment I'm laying on my bed with my music full blast "what to do, what to do" I whisper to myself there's a knock on my door, for like the 7th time "I'm not turning it down so don't bother asking" I say thomas walks in "yeah, I know but I have someone over and it's not Isabella" I raise an eyebrow "who is it?" "I have Dylan and Will over" he says with a smirk my heart almost explodes "you're kidding" "no I'm not" I get up and walk out to see Dylan O'Brien and Will Poulter siting on the couch,  Dylan turns his head to face me "hey Bella, what are u doing here?" He asks giving me a hug "didn't tom tell u? I live here with him now, since I don't have anyone to look after me since my dad died" his eyes sadden "he didn't tell us, and I'm sorry for your dad" he says pulling me into another hug "it's not your fault Dylan, it's fucking Nathan's" I whisper the last part.
The four of us talk for hours until the guys have to leave "I cannot believe that I meet Will Poulter and I got to are Dylan O'Brien again" I say "the perks of living with love" Thomas says "damn right. What are the cons?" He shrugs "I'm not too sure" I smile at him and he returns the gesture.

Life changes in a matter of a second ( a Thomas Brodie Sangster fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now