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Calvin's POV

Kamryn and I awkwardly walked downtown to Starbucks.

It was only awkward because neither of us knew what to say, and I didn't want to come off too strong so I just decided to wait until we got to the restaurant.

Once we got there we both ordered a coffee and she ordered a bagel.

I felt kinda felt bad because she paid, but she insisted.

" So how have you been.? " she asked sitting down.

" Fine. My channel has been growing like fucking crazy and I don't know dude.. I've been pretty happy with my life I guess. What about you.? "

" I'm okay. I'm really bored here. I don't really have any friends. Or at least not any that I want to hang out with and I'm constantly studying. It sucks to be honest. "

She picked up her bagel and took a bite out of it.

She looked really cute. I mean she always looks cute whenever I see her coming out of her apartment but I don't know just something about today emphasized her cuteness.

" Dope.. "

She nodded.

I didn't know what to say so I just sat there and watched her eat.

She eventually asked, " So what have I missed over the last couple of years.? "

" Nothing really. I stopped smoking weed and you already know about my youtube channel, " I took a sip of my coffee.

" You stopped smoking weed.? Why.? " she sounded surprised.

" Yeah. It just made me feel like shit. I got really pissed whenever I got high. All I would want to do is sit in my room and do nothing so I jut quit. "
" Damn. "

" Yeah. Have I missed anything.? "

" Nah not really, " she sighed as she spun her straw between her fingers.

We said a few more words until she finished her bagel and stood up.

" You ready.? " she asked.

" Yeah. "

I stood up from the table and we started to head back to our apartment building.

Once again, the walk was silent.

The air seemed to thicken when we got in the elevator to go up to our floor.

" Do you think we can start hanging out again.? " she asked when we approached our doors.

" Fuck yeah. I'd love that, " I smiled fixing my hat.

She blushed.

" So uh- "

She interrupted me with another tight hug like she gave me earlier that morning.

" I missed you so much Calvin, " She said into my chest.

I hugged back and whispered, " I missed you too. "

its 420 and this chapter has 420 words. ha.

deuces ✌

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