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• Kamryn's POV •

I woke up from a non intentional nap. I don't ever remember even going to sleep. I felt something warm up against my body and something holding me.

What the hell.?

I turned my head slightly trying to see who was holding me. I felt the bill of a hat poke the back of my head and long dark brown hair out of the corner of my eye.


Did I really fall asleep in his arms.? Wow.

When I'm with Calvin it makes me feel wanted. I've never really had a whole lot of friends and he's the only one I've never stopped trusting. I know I could tell Calvin anything and him not tell anyone about it. Not that there ever was anyone to tell, it was always just him and I.

Calvin sighed and tightened his grip on me.

Was he awake.?

" Calvin.? " I whispered.

" Yes.? " he said groggily.

I smiled, " Hi. "

" Hi Kamryn, " he sighed.

My stomach grumbled.

Calvin laughed, " If you're hungry, there's some bricks outside. "

" I'm not that lady! " I got out of his grasp and sat up, looking at him.

" Good, I don't want to like some fucking brick eating lady, " he sat up too and fixed his hat.

I blinked and slightly widened my eyes.

" You've always known I like you so don't act surprised, " he forced a laugh.

" Truuuuuuuuuuuuuue, " I laughed.

I honestly don't know why I was so surprised when he said he liked me. I just don't know how I feel about him. I mean yes I like him but I don't want him to get the wrong idea. I don't want to be in a relationship. Or at least I don't think I do.

He laughed back and asked what I was thinking about.

" Nothing. "

" Alllllright, " he sighed, " What're we gonna do today. "

" I don't know," I paused and looked around my room, " I kinda just want to stay in here. "

" Okay cool. I know you don't have food because you're fucking BROKE so I'll go get some donuts, " he laughed.

I love hearing Calvin's laugh so I smiled and thanked him.

He left and I went back to my studying.

After about fifteen minutes of hearing my stomach grumble ferociously, Calvin finally returned with a big box of donuts.

I smiled at the sight and shot up from my bed, throwing my textbook on the floor.

" Oh my god, " I repeatedly said grabbing the box out of his hands.

I opened it up and grabbed the jelly filled one.

I looked up at Calvin and he cringed, " Ew what the fuck dude. Those ones are gross. "

" No they're not! " I said widening my eyes.

" It feels like you're eating fucking snot. "

" No it doesn't! " I giggled.

He lifted his eyebrows and grabbed his own donut, " Whatever. "

After a moment of us eye fucking, he finally spoke up and said, " You're special. " ( a/n: eye fucking is when you just intently stare at someone while theyre doing the same to you. )

" You're special too, " I laughed.

" I know. "

I laughed.

" I could use some coffee now, " I said to myself.

" I'll go get some, " he stood up


He wasn't supposed to hear that.

" Wait Calvin you don't have to, " I attempted to grab his wrist but he was too far away.

" Too bad, " he smiled and was gone.

i want donuts now.

- kenidi


im writing a new story.

but not a fanfic.

Song- Her
Artist- Tyler, The Creator

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