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hello children. ;) nah i'm kidding i know like all of you probably hate me at this point for not updating. i've been doing some shit and god i hate not being able to upload. to be honest i don't even know if i'm going to continue on this story or not. i'll let you guys know when i decide. but over the time i've been gone i've written quite a few short stories, well, not full stories but the first chapter i guess you could say. but yeah i might upload those and if they are even somewhat enjoyed at all by anyone then i will continue writing them. but yeah i'm really sorry for leaving you guys for such a long time and i'm sooo thankful for all of the feedback i've gotten on this story. i'll try to update more often. i love you all so much. deuces.

- kenidi 

p.s.: the song attached is veryyyyyy good and also veryyyyyy sad. he made it shortly after his wife killed herself. ;-; but goddddd its so gooooodddddd. 

p.p.s.: my instagram is now chanelsgoblin 

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