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Kamryn's POV

" When does your summer vacation start.? " Calvin asked plopping down on my bed, making my laptop screen shake.

" May 26, " I said looking up from my essay.

It's been a week since Calvin and I went to Starbucks and we've hung out just about every second we were available to.

Calvin's a lot sweeter than I remember him ever being. But he has yet to roast me and I keep asking him to.

He says no every time.

" I can't wait that fucking long, " he scoffed.

" Calvin it's only a month, " I giggled.

" Still. "

He got up, looked in my mirror and started to fix his hair.

I started to laugh.

" What.? " he turned around.

" Nothing, " I continued to laugh.

" Am I not allowed to fix my hair.? Is this mirror only allowed to be used by Kamryn.? I'm really fucking hurt dude. My life is over, " He started to fake cry, " Time for me to go jump off a fucking cliff. "

I continued to giggle.

" And yet you're still laughing at my pain. Wow, " he said.

" Yes because you're so adorable and I can't handle it. "

And I really do mean that. Calvin is fucking adorable and I have no clue why I didn't recognize that when we were young.

He smiled.

" Fine. You win, " he paused, " But I will get you next time Sailor.. I will fucking get you. "

" That's a threat. "

" No. That's a promise. "

I then started to laugh which made him laugh.

After a while he sat back down on my bed.

" Are you almost done with that thing.? " He asked.

" I have two more paragraphs. "

" Fuuuuuuuuck. "

" I'm sorry Calvin. "

He stood up, " I'll be right back. "

" Okay.? " I questioned as he closed the door to my apartment.

He returned after about twelve minutes with a pizza.

" Oh my god, " I said setting my laptop to the side.

He smiled and sat it on the bed.

He sat down in front of me and fixed his flat bill.

" Thank you Calvin. "

" No problem. I was fucking hungry so I just got a pizza for both of us. "

He opened the box. It was a pepperoni pizza with bacon and black olives; my favorite.

My eyes widened with excitement. I hadn't had this type of pizza since I left home in Utah to go to college.

" You remembered.. " I said amazed that he remembered that this was my favorite type of pizza since eighth grade.

" Of course, " he smiled.

I thanked him again before devouring the pizza.

We didn't say much because our mouths were constantly stuffed full of pizza.

" Well I'll leave you alone to finish your essay, " he said after he finished the last piece.

" You don't have to.. "

I was actually pretty sad but I knew I would see him tomorrow.

" Nah I need to edit my new video anyways. "

" Oh.. Okay. "

He got up and kissed my forehead.

" I'll see you tomorrow Kamryn. "

I said deuces and then he left.

All I did after that was smile.

yo yo yo heres another chapter. im updating a lot only because ive been having really good ideas pop up at random times. that and i know how it feels when you have to wait like a month for a writer to update a short ass chapter so yes, i know your struggle. oh and thank you for all the feedback. i really appreciate it. i will probably be updating every day or every other day js. thats all. deuces.

- Kenidi. 🌸


i think thats who im going to use as kamryn but idk yet so it might change. maybe. maybe not. but probably not because i feel like alycia is closest to what i picture kamryn looking like.

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