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• Calvin's POV •

Being friends with Kamryn again is amazing. I missed her so much. I mean yeah she left me for other people but I continued to care for her. We haven't talked about the entire situation since it happened and I don't plan to.

" Calvinnnnnn, " Kamryn sang snapping her fingers in front of my face.

I blinked, coming out of my trance.

" Sorry.. " I looked at her.

" What's wrong.? " She asked.

" Nothing..? "

" Tell me, " She looked worried.

" No I'm being serious. Nothing, " I laughed.

" Okayyyy, " She went back to her studying.

I didn't want her to get all worked up over our past so I just dropped it.

" When are you going to be done fucking studying.? " I groaned.

" When do you want me to be done.? " She looked up from her book.

" Now. "

" Okay, " She closed the book and turned towards me, " Now what.? "

" Uhh I don't know.. "

" oooo truth or dare.? " She threw the book down on the floor.

" Dare. "

" I dare you to go over to Selina's apartment door and yell SUCK MY REPTILIAN COCK, " Kamryn started to laugh.

Selina is one of our neighbors.

" You're terrible at this but okay. You have to come with me though, " I stood up.

" Fine. "

We walked out of her apartment and turned right going over to Selina's door.

I knocked on it and yelled, " SUCK MY REPTILIAN COCK. "

She stood behind me laughing with her hand over her mouth.

I turned around to look at her.

She looked beautiful but I wish she didn't have her hand over her mouth. I love her smile but she barely ever lets me see it.

" The fuck do you want.? " Selina opened her door sticking one hip out.

I turned back around and looked at Selina.

I then grabbed Kamryn's wrist and started to run back to her apartment.

I heard Selina slam her door behind us.

I let go of Kamryn once we got to her apartment and threw myself onto her bed.

She looked at me and started to laugh again so of course I began laughing too.

After a few minutes Kamryn laid right down beside me.

What the fuck do I do.?

Is she wanting to cuddle or what.?


At that point I didn't care anymore and I don't think she did either so I just turned on my side and laid like she was.

I put my arm around her and breathed in her sweet scent.

She giggled.

Fuck did I do something wrong.?

Nah no she laughs at everything.

We laid there for a few minutes letting our breathing go back to normal.

" Kamryn.? " I whispered.

After she didn't answer, I just assumed she fell asleep.

Kamryn fell asleep in my arms.


I laid there for a while breathing in her scent until my eyes got heavy too.

" I love you, " I said very quietly and fell asleep.

i want to fall asleep in Calvin's arms.

- Kenidi 💕

Song- Juke Jam
Artist- Chance The Rapper

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