Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After getting my new licence, Casey and I walked back to the car and decided to go and get a coffee. We were too early to head towards ‘Club 9’ so we went to the closest Gloria Jeans and I got my usual drink, A Very Vanilla Chiller.  We sat down and discussed the upcoming concert, what we would wear, what we would say to the boys if we met them, if we would give them any gifts. It was too good to be true, all my dreams had been made in one day, my license, and finally getting to meet my favourite boy band in the entire universe.

Just as I was thinking about the good fortune of the day, my phone rang with the usual iPhone ringtone, a quirky face lit up the screen, a photo of another friend of mine. Her name was Jellizabeth, She hated it, so every one called her Jell. I picked up quickly and heard her all too familiar voice at the other end. “Where are you guys? I’ve been waiting for 5 minutes outside Club 9.” Jell was very impatient.


I looked down at my phone and realised that we had 4 minutes to get to Club 9. It was only going to be a small occasion with Casey, Me, Jell and her boyfriend, Matt. But Matt was at uni and was going to come later in the evening. I quickly got up and motioned for Casey to follow me, and replied in the phone that we were in the ute on our way. It was going to be an intense yet amazing evening.

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