Chapter 6

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 As we reached the driving school again, I was surprised to see the instructor/tester write down ‘PASS’ and then get out of the car. I walked over to Casey and smiled.

“How did it go?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure how to reply. “I nearly crashed into a limo, and I think I burst her eardrums when I screamed.” With that we both burst into laughter. After 5 minutes the driving instructor came outside and called my name.

“Skye Hemmings.” I walked over, and she handed me a sheet of paper. I looked down and read.

Skye Hemmings,

You have successfully passed the driving test.


Please be advised that if you break the driving laws this privilege can be removed. Please use drivers licence with respect and know all road rules and regulations. You must use a P plate from now. Do not use an L plate.

“But how?” I asked the instructor.

“Don’t worry about the little mishap. If I was in your position I would have screamed too, especially with that famous blonde haired boy getting out of that limo. Oh, and don’t forget to come and get your license photo taken,” and she turned and walked off, humming the tune to One Thing.

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