Chapter 10

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"oh, I'm Niall, Niall Horan." He smiled extending his hand out to me.

* * *

Extending my hand to him, I felt my face light up with a smile. I was surprised to feel the jolt of energy that seemed to pass into my hand as soon as we touched. However instead of a handshake like I was expecting, Niall lowered his head and brought my hand up placing a small kiss to the back of my hand. I felt another jolt of electricity.

" You have a lovely smile love." He said and I smiled yet again. I couldn't help it, I was having a conversation with an extremely handsome not to mention the sound of his voice was perfection boy, who also, just happened to be in the biggest boyband on earth. "Do you have a name or am I supposed to just call you love for the rest of the night?" He questioned.

" oh, ah, right, I'm Skye. And you really didn't have to introduce yourself, I know who you are, I love your music." I said smiling again. Jeez, what was it about this boy that made me smile so much. I couldn't help but get the grin off my face.

"Well it's nice to meet you Skye, and it's nice to know there is someone who loves the music me and the lads make, who doesn't feel the urge to scream in out faces." Niall said with a smile. I couldn't help but fall in love with hi. Every time he talked, arghhhh, I was head over heels. I mentally scolded myself.

"Oh sh*t" he murmured looking over my shoulder. I turned to see a large crowd looking in our direction with what looked to be extremely expensive cameras. "It's the paps. I gotta get outta here before they bombard me. It would be nice if I got some privacy once in a while. Hey, do you have twitter? You seem cool, maybe I will follow you and we can dm?" He said with hope in his eyes.

Oh my gosh he wants my twitter he wants to dm me.i was having an inner fangirl moment. "Yeah my twitter is Skye_hemm." I replied trying to sound calm, however on the inside I was freaking out. Since when did things like this happen to me, Skye Hemmings. I was just an average girl, there was nothing special to me.

"Cool, I will follow you, it was nice meeting you Skye" he said finishing his pint. "It would be nice to see you around" he said with a smile. He got up and leant down to place a kiss on my cheek, then smiled at me before walking out. Jeez, was he something.

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