Chapter 12

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"I'm so sorry, here let me help you love. Oh hi, Skye right?" The person said with a smirk.


I grabbed the all too familiar blonde Irish boys hand as he helped me up. I had every intention to scream at him, but my breath hitched in my throat and I couldn't utter a word. "Are you ok darlin?"

"I. I. I. Yes. I'm fine." I stuttered, taking out my newly cracked iPod.

"I really appreciate you not screaming in my face. I get too much of that, plus I don't want ye to be angry at me." He looked into my hands and then back up to my face with an extremely worried expression. "Did,did I?" He pointed towards my iPod.

"Ummm, kinda." I didn't want him to feel obliged to buy me a new one. He was Niall freaking Horan for crying out loud. He wouldn't buy just another fan an iPod.

"Come with me love, lets go for a walk." He said taking my hand in his, but quickly dropping it once he realised he had intertwined our fingers.

"Fine, but we are getting coffee." I mumbled. And looked up to see the dazzling boy smiling at me.


After about a 5 minute walk we arrived at a coffee store, where we both ordered a coffee. Niall refused to take off his hoodie and sunglasses even though it was boiling hot, he claimed we would be mobbed by teenage girls. What he didn't know was I knew about the mobbings, and I had one or two eat tried to steal a glimpse at the famous boys. It was hard to believe I was now sitting with one of them having a friendly conversation with one in a coffee shop. I took out my old Nokia phone, slightly embarrassed as it's outdatedness to check the time. It was a quarter past 3 in the afternoon. Jeez I really need to manage my time better from now on.

We were waiting for our coffees to arrive in a booth as far from the window as possible, when all of a sudden, I saw a glimpse of recognition in Niall's eyes as he got up and quickly stated he would be right back. I saw him disappear out of the small cafe and jog down the street. Curious. I thought to myself.

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