Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I woke up to the bright sunlight threatening to break through my sheer curtains that my mum had bought me last Christmas. I had needed them as there was too much sun waking me up bright and early in the morning, however they had never really done much good. That was when I had my first realisation of what it was today. As I thought harder about what to wear, I couldn’t help but squeal inside.

I heard a knock at the door and my mother, father and little sister, Abbey, came through my door singing Happy Birthday, holding a tray of four cupcakes. I felt a soft ball of fur, jump up beside me so I started to stroke it. Sophia was a small kitten who looked like a ball of wool. She looked up at me with those big blue eyes as if to say, “Please scratch me,” so I pulled her up into a tight hug and stroked her until she was quite satisfied and laid her head down to sleep.

“Skye,” Abbey said as she jumped up and down on my bed. “You will never guess what I got you for your birthday, you are so patient, I would have gone crazy by now.”

“Abbey, it wasn’t just you, it was all three of us that got Skye this present. It is such a wonderful surprise.” She said before turning to look at me straight into my eyes. I felt all three of them bore their eyes into me as my father passes over a small white envelope with my name neatly scrawled onto the front in beautiful handwriting. Taking a deep breath in I tore open the letter and out popped a card.

“Open it...Open it,” said Abbey bouncing more frantically now. I peered inside and saw two tickets…two tickets to the One Direction Concert.

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