Chapter 13

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I saw the blonde haired boy walked back through the door again. He was carrying a small bag in his hand as he came to sit by me back in the booth, and we were soon given our coffees. "So, I'm really sorry bout before." He said to me.

"No problems Niall. It's fine." I said with a smile.

"Your smile is really pretty you know that right?" He stated just like the previous night. I just smiled in return. "Um," he started scratching the back of his head whilst leaning down and grabbing the bag that he had brought back from his mystery trip just moments ago. "So I know I broke your iPod, and I am really sorry, so I um kinda" he scratched his head again. "I kinda got you this." He said handing the bag over.

I peeped inside and saw a little box with an apple sign on the side."Niall, you didn't have to get me a new iPod. It was fine."

"It. It's not an iPod" he said.

I pulled out the little box and noticed that it wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting nothing. And then when he got this I though maybe it could be the same model of iPod that i just smashed. "Niall. You really shouldn't have got me this, I can't accept it. It's too much." I said bewildered at what Niall had gifted me.

"I saw the way you looked at your iPod when it had been smashed, and I saw the glum look on your face when you pulled out your Nokia flip phone. I couldn't resist"

I stared down sat the box I was holding. This was too much. This little box had cost the boy nearly a thousand dollars. "Niall, I really can't accept this. It is too much." I said whilst clutching the small box containing my gift.

"Too bad. I'm not returning it, you don't have the receipt, plus I already put my number in there. It can't be a coincidence I have see you twice in the past 12 hours. You know what, look" he said taking he box out of my hands and opening it, revealing much more than I could have ever asked for. I stared at it wide eyes. I hadn't even seen or touched one of these yet. They had come out last month. "Take it. I can see in your eyes how much you want it."

Niall handed me the perfect white iPhone 5s and I stared at its perfectness. He had even bought a case for it. "Now all you need to do is add your music." He stated.

"Thank you" I whispered full of bewilderment. This boy I barely knew just bought me an iphone. Not just an iphone. A freaking iphone 5s.

As soon as I whispered this, Niall's phone started buzzing as he picked it up and talked into the receiver. "-yep, sure be there as soon as I can. Bye haz." He looked up to meet my gaze. He seemed to like the fact that I was not crazy on the outside, he was just talking to Harry Styles. I was secretly fangirling on the inside. "I have to go, got an interview ya get to. I hope I will see you again soon. Oh and don't forget to text me." He said with a wink, as he placed a kiss to my cheek and slid out of the booth. "Bye Skye." He said as he walked out the door.

I finished my coffee and all of a sudden my new phone beeped. What, I just got this phone, no one knew my number yet. I looked down and saw a text from the caller of 'sexymofo:)' quickly I unlocked the phone and looked at the message: 'so nice to see you again Skye. It must be destiny, 2 times within 12 hours. Lots of love. -N' . This must be Niall. I thought as I put the phone away. What was I supposed to say back to that?

Funny thing was. I had backstage passes to the concert tomorrow night. I was probably going to see him again then too. I wonder what he will say. 3 times in 48 hours. Well I was a lucky girl. Either way, I wasn't going to tell him about the passes. I would just have to surprise him.

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