Chapter 15

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We had just sat down in our seats, and may I say they were pretty fab. We were on the side, but that meant that we were elevated a little bit. We were in the 5th row, and had 2 little girls sitting next to us. The girls had their older sister with them. She was not much older than me and Casey, maybe 20 years old. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Opening it up I saw a text message.

"Sexymofo:) - how are you liking the new phone? I'm just about to go on stage. Wish you were here. It'd make the night funner. Maybe I can hook you up with some tickets for the next concert. ;) -N"

I smiled down at my phone.

"Earth to sky? Hello? Anyone in there?" Casey was waving his hand in front of my face.

"What? Sorry." I snapped out of my daze.

"What happened? who text you? You have that dazed lover look. Who are you crushing on?"

Argghhhhh. Casey knows me so well. He would know if I lied about this, so I guess I better tell him about the whole Niall fiasco. "Um. I should start from the beginning then?"

"Mhmmmm" Casey sassed me.

"Ok, so pretty much the morning after we went to the club I woke up late and went for a run as usual but someone bumped into me and I got knocked over and I fell on my iPod and smashed it. Then the person who knocked me over was like, sorry, they took me for coffee, and then they bought me an iphone and they are texting me and they are really hot and I can't even think straight." I blurted quickly.

"Why the fuck would you let some random buy you a phone and text you and take you out for coffee? They could be a rapist or something." Casey huffed.

"Well, I kinda met them the night before at the club and we talked for a bit." I attempted to defend myself.

"Can i see the texts?" Casey pushed the matter further. I handed my phone over unlocked and showed him the very few texts that we sent to each other. Casey looked at the screen. "Sexymofo smiley face. Really?"

"Um, yeah." I said feeling like Casey had won.

"Wait who is this guy? Do I know him?" Casey said.

"Um yeah, he, um, his name is." I stuttered, "um, his name is Niall. Niall Horan."

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