Chapter 7

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"NO," Disgust said. "Just NO!"

Riley was trying to figure out what she was wearing. Nothing seemed to look good enough.

"How about that?" Joy said, pointing to a shirt in Riley's closet.

"I guess," Disgust said.

"It's nice," Sadness said. "It's dark."

Joy rolled her eyes, giggling at Sadness. "And how about that?" She pointed to another item.

"Oh, now that looks cute." Disgust said.

Riley had a grey plaid shirt on with a denim skirt that stopped mid-thigh. She hadn't worn the shirt since May, and the skirt had been a gift from her grandparents, but she didn't usually wear skirts. She look nice. Really nice.

The doorbell rang. It was Mia. Mia, Riley, Andrew, and Jordan were going to all walk to the high school for the dance. It was a bit of a walk, but the friends didn't mind.

"We have a few minutes before the guys come," Mia said to Riley. "Let's get some makeup on you!"

"What? No!" Riley then noticed that Mia had on some eye makeup, like mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Mia never wore makeup, only a little bit of lip gloss usually. Her face was like a new person to Riley.

"Oh, c'mon. Just a little bit of mascara?" Mia pulled out a tube from her small purse. "I brought it for touch-ups, but you can use it, too,"

"Fine. Put it on for me. Just don't poke my eye,"


Mia applied the black goo like a pro. Did she practice or something?, Riley thought. When she finished, Riley used the camera on her phone to check herself out. Her eyes looked bigger. They popped. She looked cool. Not something she would wear all the time, but cool.

A new memory was created. It was yellow and happy. Joy hugged it.

The doorbell rang again. It was the guys. They had on nearly identical outfits: tan pants and plaid shirts. For once, Jordan wasn't wearing his hat.

"I should've worn plaid, too..." Mia looked down at her floral blouse. Riley giggled.

The crew walked the several blocks to the school. They just danced around, and talked about their classes, teachers, and classmates, and took a nice selfie for Mia's profile. It was nice. They finally reached the school, which was starting to fill up with fellow ninth graders.

Everyone paid for their ticket, then they split up. The guys found the other hockey guys, and Riley and Mia found themselves.

"Not much of a date, huh?" Riley said.

"They'll come back," Mia replied.

The gym was decorated in fall colours and fake leaves. A few snack stood near the main entrance. The DJ was playing a bunch of popular songs. It was pretty dark.

"C'mon!" Riley grabbed Mia's wrist and dragged her to the dance floor. They let loose, doing every dance move they could think of. It was awesome.

"Woah," Andrew said. He and Jordan had just walked into the gym with Theo and Marcus.

"Woah is right," Jordan said. Then he saw the girls, and cracked up.

"What?" Theo asked.

"They look like freaking crazy people!" He pointed at Riley and Mia. The others laughed as well.

Riley and Mia kept on dancing. Everyone was staring by now. They didn't really care, though. Riley's feet started to hurt, so she and Mia stopped dancing and got cups of water.

"Ow," Riley sat down and rubbed her foot.

"You ok?" Mia sat down on the chair next to her.

"Yeah, it's ok,"

"That's good. My feet also hu..." Mia trailed off. A new song had come on. "Slow song. Let's go find the boys!"

Jordan looked around. He had lost track of Andrew a while back, and he couldn't find Riley, or even Mia. He then spotted Andrew, but he had just started dancing with Mia.

He had to find Riley. He wanted to ask her to dance. She was nowhere to be seen. After a few minutes, he found her sitting on a chair near the snacks, but the slow song had just ended.



"I saw you dancing. It was hilarious!"

"Haha, thanks,"

Nobody talked. Silence. Jordan tried to think of something to say, but he couldn't.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Riley said, getting up.

Riley didn't have to go pee, she just wanted to check her makeup. Good, it's not running, she thought. Riley turned around to go back into the gym, but ran into Amy instead.

"Sorry," Riley said. Amy huffed, and turned to the mirror and started to apply lipstick. She had on a white sundress, which looked beautiful on her.

"I like your dress," Riley told her. Amy nodded with a frown and went back to her makeup. "Are you having a good time with Marcus?"

"Look"," Amy turned to her, snapping her lipstick shut. "Stop asking me these stupid questions. Stay away from me, you geek. Maybe Jordan does deserve you." Amy stormed out of the bathroom.

A new memory appeared. This time, it was sad. Joy sighed.

"We tried."

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