Una delle mie poesie, come introduzione per voi...
Ode allo scrigno dei sogni
Hai visto più lacrime di quante io voglia ammettere.
Hai ricevuto abbracci che nessun altro riceverà mai.
Hai accolto il tuo corpo contro il mio infinite volte senza lamen...
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I just want you to know who I am. I've gotta tell you what state I'm in: the truth is I miss you, so I crawl back into your open arms. I just don't want to miss you tonight. Confusion that never stops, closing walls and ticking clocks... Home, home, were I wanted to go. I heard you could see your future inside a glass of water and I asked: "will I see heaven in mine?" Such a perfect day... now my feet won't touch the ground, I wouldn't want to change a thing, dreaming para-para-paradise. We live in a beautiful world and the sun must set to rise but when you lose something you can't replace I will try to fix you. If you'll be my mirror, my sword and my shield I'll be your paradise.