Chapter 10

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*A month later*

I really wanted to apologize to Taylor but I couldn't get a hold of the blue-eyed girl. I tried calling her but she never picked up and texting, she might have read my texts, I don't know, but she never replied. Cara asked me if I wanted Selena's number so that I could somehow reach Taylor but I declined. I was a complete mess, I drank a little too much every day, which resulted in a lot of hangovers, which in turn resulted in me missing many classes and if I was able to attend them I didn't pay attention. 

The only thing which kind of kept me alive must have been modeling, it made me feel excited and nervous, it was just fun and I surely had to thank Abigail for it. I didn't see Adam on the campus but I did see Behati as she was in one of my classes. I was shocked when i heard that Adam wanted to reconcile with Behati. She told me that Adam and her were back together. She told me that she loved me but she loved Adam too. She chose the easy way out and picked him over me. Now here I am waiting for my brain to accept the fact that it was midnight and I had to fall asleep right now to even have a 30% chance to attend tomorrow's first class. I somehow drifted away to dreamland after half an hour.


I walked as slow as possible to Taylor's dorm while figuring out a way to talk to her. I had to apologize, I felt so damn guilty for fighting with her that day and leaving her alone to cry. I walked up the stairs, and sighed when I reached Taylor's dorm. I knocked on the door and stood there with my hands in my pockets. The door was flung open by Taylor, I just stood there frozen, unable to move a single muscle.

"Karlie?" she said in disbelief, it seemed as though she never anticipated my visit.

"Hi, um... I came here to talk to you about something," I said, my hands were shaking but Taylor couldn't possibly see them as I had shoved them into my pockets.

"Come in," her voice wasn't particularly warm or welcoming but what would you expect from a person you hurt, nonetheless her voice was sweet. I walked into the dorm and entered the main room, her bed was a mess, crumpled up papers scattered over the floor and her guitar was on the bed. One could easily guess the fact that Taylor was busily writing music while I decided to pay an unexpected visit. She entered the room ruffling her already messy hair.

"I know that it's kind of messy, I was working on a new song," she mumbled. I gave her a weak smile before moving some papers on the bed to create a space for me to sit.

"I came here to apologize Taylor... I behaved like an inconsiderate and confused idiot. I'm sorry for hurting you. I feel really terrible for making you cry and I wanted to apologize all along but I was too scared to talk to you because I thought I might accidentally hurt you again. I just want to say that I'm sorry Taylor," I said while moving my hands in various gestures trying to convey certain emotions which couldn't expressed merely by words. I felt my throat hitch with each word and tears forming in my eyes. I looked up at the blonde. She looked at me and came closer to me. I could feel my heart doing back-flips as she came closer and closer. She pulled me into a warm hug. One of her arms rested atop my shoulder while the other stroked my hair. I literally froze under her touch but I managed to wrap my hands around her waist as I rested my head against her chest. We stayed like this for quite some time before she placed a kiss on top of my head and whispered, "It's okay, I'm sorry too, for not understanding your situation, will you forgive me?"

"My heart has already forgiven you Princess," I said. I could actually feel her blushing when I called her Princess.

"Would you like to go out and get dinner?" she asked me while breaking away from the hug.

"Um... Yes, I just need to call up Cara and tell her that or she'll freak out," I said with a smile. She nodded her head and I took my phone. When I put my phone against my ear Taylor left the room.

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