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Justin had been out all night celebrating his birthday with his friends Za and Khalil. You went over to his house knowing that he would probably be hung over so you brought his pain killers and soup (I believe chicken soup made with love is the ultimate medicine)

I walked into his house and called for him. I felt like such a dufus when I realised that he was most likely still sleeping. I walked up the stairs to his room and knocked. Still no answer.

I walked in and put my hand over my mouth at the sight in front of me.

Za, Khalil and Justin were all fast asleep in Justin's bed with Justin in the middle. I could help but giggle which woke Khalid and Za but Justin stayed put.

I took out my phone and took a quick picture before posting it on insta with the caption. "rough night huh?"

I saw Justin's eyes flutter open. He turned to both sides to find his friends laying beside him smirking then looked straight up at me. Khalil and Justin looked at each other and Khalil moved over as if he had read his mind.

Justin patted the spot next to him and in a raspy voice said "there's room for one more" you jumped and plopped into place next to Justin and accidentally made Khalil fall off.

"Oohh!" You all yelled in unison

"I am so sorry Khal" you said

"Nah it's a'ight Y/N. I knew that fat ass would be the death of me some day."

"It still can be if you wanna call me my ass fat again."


Hope you enjoyed

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