10)Frozen pt 2

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"Dad, if everything changed at that other Christmas, how come mom's parents still don't like you?"

"They still don't believe I've changed."


"Well it happened before you were born."

Y/N and I were at home watching Christmas movies on the couch. I was laying on the couch and she was rapped in my arms beside me. There was hot chocolate with marshmallow, smores dip with gram crackers and the classic popcorn with chocolate chips.

"All this chocolate is gonna make me fat." She said.

"Babe, you've been fat since June."

"Technically I only started showing in September. I've been pregnant since June." She said matter-of-factly. I giggled rubbing your six month pregnant belly.

We were both quiet for the rest of the movie. The title was shown and the credits rolled. She stood up with a grunt and grabbed the empty popcorn bowl. I followed her with the other dirty, empty dishes. Shr was filling the sink with water while I checked for other dirty dishes, when a thought crossed her mind. She turned off the water and turned to me leaning on the basin.

"How come we've never spent Christmas with my family in (Name of African country)?"

"Yes we have. Two years ago."

"I mean since we've been married."

"Umm, because they hate me and don't want me I their home. I mean they never have."

"Well you did convince me to get a tattoo. It didn't sit well with them." I glared at her and she started laughing. She walked to me and put her hands on my shoulders. I put my hands on her waist as I looked down at her tummy. I lifted her shirt slightly to see the tattoo peeking out of your shorts. I smiled and looked back up into her eyes.

"Hey. Justin."

"Mhm?" She pushed away from me and stood in the middle of the open kitchen floor.

"Do you wanna build snowmaann?" She started singing and dancing. She continued singing the song but I strongly resisted the urge to sing along. She grabbed me and I reluctantly danced and sang with her.

"My parents might not love you, but it's Christmas and you're family. Trust me. They have no choice." She said with a smile. I took a deep breath and sighed.

"I guess we're spending Christmas is (Name of African country)"

"Yay!" She cheered
"I'm going to call my mom. You book the flights."

With that she kissed my cheek and scampered off to call her mother.


We arrived and were picked up by her older cousin--the same one who's life I had saved. He always called to tell us how he was turning his life arou d and doing legitimate business.
"So Jay, how's married life?" He asked

"Good. Good. We're excited for the baby."

"I've gotta say, I was kinda offended to be the last to find out."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. When did you find out?"

"Just now, when I saw you guys."

"Cut the drama y/c/n. We both know you wouldn't have given a damn even if I had told you."

"Oh really? You didn't think that your cousin would care that his baby cousin was having a baby of her own?"

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