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"But I'm your wife."

"So? That doesn't make you the boss of me." Justin countered. He grabbed his jacket and walked right out the door slamming it behind him.


How did this happen? How did we go from being the cutest couple in Hollywood to fighting like cats and dogs?

It all started when Justin got off tour about a week ago.

I was waiting at the airport for my husband to arrive and so we're the paparazzi. He got out of the jet and I ran to hug him. He hugged me back just not as enthusiastically.

"Baby, I missed you so much." He gave you a half hearted smile.

"I missed you too." He kissed your cheek and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist he carried you to the car. He put you down and held your hand so that y'all could run to the car through the path that your body guards had created by holding off the crowd.

"So, tell me about the tour. How was it? Did you have fun?"

"Y/N. I'm really tired right now. I'll tell you later I promise." He kissed my cheek and laid his head back to take nap.

Since then he's been distant and we've been fighting all the time about how much he goes out.

"J you were gone for three months. Excuse me for wanting to spend time with you." I complained

"Well news flash, you're not the only person that's missed me Y/N." He argued

"But I'm your wife."

"So? That doesn't make you the boss of me." Justin countered. He grabbed his jacket and walk right out the door slamming it behind him.

I'd had enough. I knew that he wasn't just going to hang out with some fire ds for the fiftieth time this week. I grabbed my jacket, car keys and purse. I got onto my motorcycle m and followed him.

I parked a few cars behind him at a local bar. I walked in and sat down the bar where I could see him clearly as he sat at a booth. A few minutes later a girl walked in. A girl I knew. I recognized her as a little girl that I had taken a picture with a few year ago. She sat next to him and he put his arm around her and THEY KISSED.

I was passed. I marched right over to them and just casually sat next to them with two beers in my hands. I slid one over to Justin. I turned to the girl.

"Sorry, I'd give you one but you look underage." I said sarcastically.

"No it's fine. I am underage." She said with a smile

"For what? This drink or my husband?" I shot a glare at Justin.


"Save it. You know I put up with your coldness and bad attitude for so long because I thought you still loved me, but I guess I was wrong. Goodbye Justin. Don't look for me."

I grabbed the girls water and splashed him in the face with it.
"He'll bye you a new one."

And with that i walked out of the bar and out of Justin Bieber's life.


Justin Bieber INTERRACIAL IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now