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Justin Bieber

I woke up with a smile in my face as I thought back to the events of the previous night--or at least the ones I remembered.

Y/N had me falling for her the minute I met her. A few drinks were involved for me, but she was sober. I let her drive my Ferrari and we got waffles and talked. We drove back to my place and had a few drinks.

I got out of bed and saw something on the bedside table on her side. It was a tube of red BAWSE liquid lipstick. She was wearing it the previous night.

"So Y/N. Where are you from?"

"(Name of town) I'm going back there tomorrow actually."

I got dressed and drove to the train station. I ran around looking for her.
"Y/N! Y/N!" There were fans there taking pictures and videos. I took out my phone and showed them a picture that we had taken together. It was a picture of us on my bed and one of the fans noticed that I had a lipstick mark on my collarbone in the picture. It was still there.

I saw her about to board a train. I ran to her. "Y/N!" She glared at me and kept walking to the train. I called after her.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! I know you can here me. Baby, please turn around!" She stopped and turned. She glared at me.

"What are you doing here? I thought I was just a one night stand. At least you said it was the best you'd ever had."

"Y/N. No. I-I really like you. I want to get to know you. Please you'll have can leave me with more than just a last kiss and a little bit of lipstick." I showed her the lipstick mark in my collarbone.

She giggled, kind of embarrassed. "I'm pretty sure you left them everywhere." I added with a smirk.

"Well not everywhere." She smirked and moved closer. She put her arms behind my neck and stood on her toes to kiss me on my lips. Our lips moved in sync. I mumbled into the kiss for her to jump and she did and wrapped her legs around my waist. I put her down after the kiss. I pulled her suitcase with one hand and held her hand with my other hand and we walked away together.


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