Chapter One

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Literally though, you guys. This is a really fun book to write lmao.

Chapter One

The moon was out, rain clouds were setting themselves perfectly above myself as they waited for my night to turn to shit.

My car, already making weird noises as I turned it on, wasn't the most trustworthy machine out there. It has broken down on me, in a total of seventeen times this past year.  

Taking a deep breath, (and pretending not to be bother by the smell of gasoline inside of the car) I began to drive it down the road.

I glanced at the clock, which read 1:26 AM. My heart skipped a beat as I realized how late it was. I didn't mean to stay out so late, usually I never do. But, my mom insisted for me to stay and have a 'girl's sleepover' with the three of my sisters. At first I thought for once, I could bond with my mother, and show her that though I'm an unsocial, geeky, technical nerd, I can still relate on some feminine levels.

I was wrong.

Not even an hour into watching some chick-flick, my mother and sisters got wasted on some skimpy alcoholic drinks, and began to throw comments about how much of a 'daddy's girl' I am instead of an actual woman.

They went on an hour long rant on how I just had to be the one in the family with the oddball personality. No friends, no boyfriend (all my sisters were married) and absolutely no traces of social activity in my past recent history. Or long term history, really.

At first, I pretended to laugh at their jokes, at their crude mocking, but eventually, I had no more fake laughs to give. I began to quickly feel like absolute shit, and I even considered drinking one of their disgusting alcoholic drinks to ease my pathetic pain. 

I don't drink, I made a vow to my father that I would never allow a liquid to control my life, even if it were just for a weekend fun.  

"It's not worth it, it's never worth it." He would always say to me, as me and him would have our own father daughter hangout whilst my mother and sisters would hang out and drink the night away.

Don't get me wrong, I love my sisters and my mother, but they never understood me like my father did, and the only way they knew how to act around me, was by being complete asses.

My father died two years ago from a sudden heart attack. He was dealing with so much stress from one thing to another, and eventually his heart just couldn't take it.

I can freely admit to being the one who suffered the most during his death. My mother and sisters were depressed for months, but learned that life goes on.

But I still cry about him at times.

So now, for the first time, my mother invited me to a hang out, slumber party night with my sisters and her, and I agreed to it, as I didn't want to stray from the family just because the only person who connected me with them was my father.

I wanted to connect with them on my own terms now.

After the insults kept coming, I decided to just sit there, on the couch, and allow them to say whatever it was that their drunken minds were thinking. It really wasn't until my mother decided to say something that stuck me on an emotional level. "If you keep acting how you father taught you, then you will die alone, Haley. It's time you forget what he taught you, and start being a woman. No man or woman is going to love you for what you are now." It was at that moment, I surely needed to cry. To sit in my dark apartment, alone, and feel sorry for myself.

I stood up from the couch, and made and excuse to how I had to leave and couldn't stay the whole night because I had just remembered that I needed to work tomorrow, even though I didn't as I had taken off work for the next two days just out of excitement for that sleepover.

The worst part of it all, was that they were too drunk to even care that I was leaving. At least, I was trying to tell myself they were too drunk.

Part of me wasn't convinced.

All that happened, which could easily be labeled as the second worst event in my life.  

I drove down the road, clutching the steering wheel so tightly as my vision began to blur from the tears that corrupted them.

It's not like I haven't tried to act feminine. 

It's not like I hate makeup, it just confuses me. All of the steps, and colors, and shades.

It's not like I hate fashion, I just genuinely don't feel pretty in short dresses, and showy skirts.

I can't help it that I'm a dog lover, and am allergic to cats.

I can't help that I prefer mystery movies over romantic comedies.

I can't help that I'm more interested in the news articles of Starling City, about the vigilante who seems to help people. Rather than reading the newest drama trend about some celebrity racing around the media.

"Why the hell is my personality such a sin?" I said aloud to myself, with tears practically pouring down my cheeks. At that very moment, I felt a sudden bump, then two, then three. The pace of my car began to slow down, and loud bangs began to echo from the engine.

"No, no, no, shit!" I pulled over to the side of the dark, empty street, just as the car officially died.

I sat there, in my car, in the pitch dark, with the silence being a bit too overbearing to handle. Wiping the remaining tears from my eyes, I glanced out the windows to get idea of exactly where it was that I was stranded at.

The road was empty, no sign of life, or light anywhere.

It looked like the perfect setting where I could get molested, and killed.


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