Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I woke up with a jolt. Pain shot through my body as if warning me to stay still. A woman was at my side the moment my eyes opened. 

"Oh my God, you're awake."

"Wow, my assumptions were way off." A young man said, as he also ran to my side. I was lying on what felt like some hospital bed inside a lab. It was bizarre.

Though I was still in severe pain, I felt so happy to actually be able to feel again. Back when I had gotten shot, the moment I felt numb, I feared I'd never feel anything every again.

I thought I was as good as dead, really.

The woman pointed to herself, "My name is Caitlin."

"And I'm Cisco." The guy said, with a sweet smile.

"Ba- err, The Flash" She quickly corrected herself, "Brought you here when you were shot with Snart's freeze ray. I know it's a lot to take in, but you've been, and current are, hospitalized here in S.T.A.R. labs."

I glanced around, it didn't dawn on me at first. 

Was I really in S.T.A.R. labs?

"A normal hospital doesn't have the equipment like we do." Cisco spoke up, "You would have died without the technology that we have."

Though it was overwhelming, I couldn't believe it. I was in The S.T.A.R. Labs. Not only was I in it, but they saved my life.


"I don't understand." I said, as I struggled to pull myself up in a sitting position, though I had many questions, I wasn't really sure where to start. "Why was I brought here? Whether I was dying or not, I thought this was a secluded lab?"

"Well, it is." Caitlin admitted, "But-" She was cut off by a man who came in the room in a wheel chair.

"But it was partially our fault you've been shot. You see, the man who shot you is named Leonard Snart. A well trained thief, and danger to Central City."

"The freeze ray that he used to hurt you with, was stolen from S.T.A.R. labs." Caitlin finished.

"So you created it? That makes a lot more sense." I said, a bit relieved that criminals weren't making these weapons themselves.

"Actually, they had nothing to do with it." Cisco admitted, "I made the gun. It's all my fault."

"I told you, Cisco, it's not your fault." Caitlin placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked sincerely apologetic.

"Well." The man in the wheel chair said, "Now that we've explained ourselves, I'd like to know who it is that we just saved."

Oh. Yeah. Right. "Sorry." I said, a bit awkwardly, "My name is Haley, Haley Everett."

The man smiled, "Nice to meet you, Miss Everett, I'm Dr. Harrison Wells."

Dr. Wells. The man who blew up Central City. -Well, rhetorically, and literally.

I stared at him in awe, I realized the shocked expression on my face was clearly visible, as he grinned at the humiliating sight of me. "Even with our advanced equipment, it's an outstanding miracle you're still alive, Miss Everett." He lifted his hand up for me to shake, which I gladly did so as I was practically bathing in the honor.

"Yeah." Cisco added, "We didn't think you'd survive."

I looked at him, "Survive? How long was I out?"

"Eight days." Both Cisco and Caitlin said in unison.

"Eight days?" I gasped, "I have been here for that long? My family is going to kill me."

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