Chapter Seventeen

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Holy shit this chapter is a tiny ass chapter I'm so sorry guys.

Busy day lmao

Longer chapter tomorrow babes

Chapter Seventeen

Mick was gone. We searched the entire building, but there was no trace of him anywhere. Snart told me he may know where he went, so we both got in the car, and he drove -illegally fast- to Mick.

To be honest, sitting in a car alone with Snart is the most uncomfortable thing I've done. Even with Mick, at least he distracted Snart from me.

Now it was just me and him.

I stared out the window for a long awkward moment. I was happy it was dark outside, it helps me feel more hidden when I'm out in public with Snart.

God, I'm willingly out in public with Snart. What the hell is wrong with me?

The silence in the car was overbearing. Obviously he wasn't going to say anything, so I took this as an opportunity to comfort myself -whether he wanted me to talk or not.

"You're a criminal." I spoke up.

He glanced at me, "You just figured that out? Should I throw you a party, maybe get you a gift. What do girls like? Crayons? Hair ties?"

I shot him a glare, "I mean, you are a criminal, and I'm encouraging you to commit crimes."

The look on his face read pure amusement, "Is that what you think? Are you really that stupid or did Mick hit you before I got to you in time."

"You're such a smartass."

"I'm glad you noticed."


"Where are we going?"



"You'll see when we get there."

"Why not tell me?"

"Why not keep your mouth shut before I freeze it shut?"

I sighed, and stared out the window. How strange it was that just a day ago, I was terrified of Snart. Now, we've practically teamed up to get what we want. I want Mick in prison, Snart wants to ruin the Flash.

Would I actually give him Barry's identity? I have too. Innocent people could die, plus, Barry is going to catch Snart eventually, and he will be sent to prison. If he tells the world Barry is the Flash, I don't think anyone would believe him.

I can't let innocent people die, and I don't think Barry would want that either.

He'll understand. I know it.

I reached into my pocket, and pulled out my cellphone. I stared at it for a long moment just like when I was back at the factory. Yet, still, I didn't have the heart to turn it on. If I told Barry what I was doing -if he saw that I was with Snart- he'd try to 'save' me. He'd ruin everything.

I can't have him being my hero right now.

He gave me a look, and I wasn't quite sure what he was thinking. "What?" I asked, as I shoved my phone back in my pocket.

"I was half expecting you to call your boyfriend in tights." He narrowed his eyes, "Why haven't you called him?"

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm a criminal, remember?"

"Is that why you drug me with you? So the Flash will show up?"

"I didn't drag you anywhere. You voluntarily came with."

I snorted, causing him to shoot me a look of amusement. "You put me on the spot." I defended myself.

"I offered you freedom from a cell -you're welcome, by the way."

"Oh wow." I said sarcastically, "and you did it without wanting anything in return. What a saint."

"Never said I didn't want anything." He objected, his eyes focused on the road, but he did manage to look up at me through the mirror, "I just haven't decided what I want to take from you yet."

"Decisions, decisions." I mumbled under my breath.

We eventually stopped at a building. I had never been to this part of town, so I had no idea what kind of building it was. It looked expensive, but dark, eerie in a way.

"What is this place?" I asked, as we both got out of the car.

Snart frowned, "It's the place Mick and I were planning to rob." and I glanced him, "Welcome," He said, "to Central City's Museum of US Military Weaponry."

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