Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"I can't believe it." I muttered to myself, as I walked out of my work building with an entire book-bag full of paperwork. "It's just my luck that last week was the busiest week in the company's history." 

The company I worked for wasn't the most known company in the world -and that's putting it lightly. 

It's a new business, and doesn't have much recognition.

Lucky for me, my boss was too busy to speak with me. Something about an international meeting with other company directors. 

It's nothing I really cared about, or had any business in.

When it came to finding a job and supporting myself, this suck ass job was the best I could do. I've been working here since the week I turned nineteen. They needed someone desperately, and I needed to move out of my mother's house desperately. 

It was like a romance novel but without the romance.

As I struggled to carry the heavy book-bag on my shoulder, with my energy level at an all time low, I felt a buzz in my pocket. At first it scared me, as I thought about how my phone was broken. And then I remembered Barry and the crew at S.T.A.R. Labs gave me an emergency phone. How lucky was I? They saved my life and gave me a free phone.

It was pretty high-tech too, better than any cheap cell I've ever bought myself.

I sighed, and walked over to the nearest bench, and dropped the book-bag on it to get my phone out.

"Hello?" I answered, not even trying to hide the fact that I was exhausted.

"Haley?" It was Barry, "I thought we told you to go straight home?" He sounded a bit worried, I wasn't sure why.

"How do you know I'm not?" I asked realizing that I probably shouldn't have answered.

"There's a tracker on your phone, Cisco saw you weren't at your house."

"That's creepy." I shivered a bit at the thought of them actually checking up on me.

"Well things are about to get a lot more intense than just creepy."

I hesitated to even ask, "What do you mean?"

"Snart is coming your way. He just attacked a cop and stole seven-hundred thousand from a bank. We were trying to trace him when we caught site of you, wherever you are now, you need to get the hell out of there."

I gulped, "You've got to be shitting me right now."

I heard him scoff, as the phone was abruptly filled with the sound of intense wind coming through the speaker, he was running, clearly. At least I hoped that's what he was doing.

"Get out of there, Haley, please, if he sees you-" I stopped listening to him as the loud screech of tires came up from down the street. It was a black car racing up the road, nearly crashing or hitting some innocent civilians several times.

Shit shit shit shit.

I grabbed the book-bag from the bench, practically threw it over my shoulder, and made a run for it to a nearby alley. Though it seemed the more I ran, the louder the car engine would get.

Flashbacks of the pain I had felt when Mr Snart shot me with Cisco's freeze gun overwhelmed my thoughts. I couldn't go through that again. That pain was worse than anything I had ever felt.

I can't feel that again.

The exhaustion and lack of energy from the coma that I ironically just woke up from about nine hours ago was nothing compared to the fear I was currently going through. It was like my brain was producing energy out of complete nothingness -or out of fear, I didn't know.

I felt someone grab my hand as I was running. I looked over to see Barry, the look on his face was on complete serious-mode. Maybe he was just as scared of Snart as I was.

"Hold on." He shouted, as he picked me up bridal style -which shocked me because I wasn't the lightest woman on the planet- and he tried to take me somewhere safer. Though, we were interrupted as I was one moment in his arms and the next thrown onto the ground with a hard thud, leaving my back in complete agony.

I looked over to see Barry's feet were caught in a solid block of ice, it seemed to be increasing up his legs which looked incredibly painful.

I gasped as I quickly stood up and ran over to him, trying to help him out of it as he was trying to swallow each yelp of pain. 

"You didn't think it'd be that easy, now did you?" We both heard a familiar voice speak over us in such a light-hearted mocking way,  just as I was trying to break the ice block with my bare hands.

I am not someone who does well under pressure.

"Damn it Haley." Barry gritted, "Get out of here now!"

"I can't just leave you-"

"Go!" I gave him a sympathetic look, before nodding. 

What could I do anyway? I can't afford a gym membership, and even if I could, there was no way in hell I was going to work out in front of a bunch of healthy, active college students. 

I backed away, keeping my eyesight on Barry. I knew the pain he was in, and my heart shattered for him.

"Don't." Snart said loud and stern, his voice echoed through the alley.

He was speaking to me.

I looked over at him, only to see him aiming that stupid ice gun of his. That scary stupid ice gun of his.

He looked a bit different now in the daylight. He looked like an ordinary man with that same familiar death-stare. 

He wasn't too scary looking, besides the eyes. They could kill someone physically just by looking at them.

He gazed at me, staring up and down before realizing who I was. A forced smirk arose on his lips, "Well look at this? A woman who rose from the dead," He paused, "Or a woman who has a lot of luck on her side, or is really pathetically unlucky."

Unfortunately the latter seemed to fit more.

"I've done nothing to you." My hands trembled at the fact that I was once again, begging for my life.

"And yet you always end up in my way."

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