Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I must have fallen asleep. When I awoke, the entire building was pitch black. The broken windows revealed the dim moonlight and stars. I slowly stood up and stretched. The floor wasn't the most comfortable place I've slept.

I glanced around, and noticed how there wasn't a living individual in sight.

I searched the entire room, but nothing.

Snart was gone.

I peeked my head down the corridor, but knew better than to actually check it out myself.

Mick might still be in there, and with Snart gone, I'd surely get murdered.

I returned back to the main room, and stupidly called out Snart's name. Of course I got no reply.

I realized I should be happy Snart was around. I sat on an old rusted barrel, and pulled out my cellphone. I knew it was off the entire time so Barry and the group at S.T.A.R. Labs couldn't locate me.

It's not that I didn't want to be found, it's just that; I didn't want to have to confess I helped Snart in his heist.

If I wouldn't have selfishly drowned Barry's phone. If I wouldn't have kept the secret to myself, and instead just told Barry what was happening, a man might not be dead right now.

I helped commit a crime, and though I may not of had a choice, I was still part of the problem.

I deserve to go to jail, because I am guilty.

My hands shook as I stared at the cellphone I was holding. I contemplated over and over in my head whether I should turn it on and call Barry.

I eventually decided that I couldn't.

I put the cellphone back in my pocket, just as the sound of voices were able to be heard from outside the building. I froze, suddenly re-aware of the fact that no matter what, I'm not safe here. I hopped off the barrel I was sitting on, and slowly made my way to the front door where I looked out. I saw Mick and another guy standing side-by-side. Snart was with them, but he didn't look as interested as Mick. In fact, he looked almost disgusted.

"Bring it inside." Snart said, and the random stranger nodded.

I quickly ran away from the door, and sat back on the barrel that I was sitting on previously. I then waited for them to come in.

Mick entered first, along with the stranger, and then Snart. The walked over to the table where Snart placed all his weapons. As they passed me, Mick gave me a death glare, and Snart and I made eye-contact for a mere second before his back was to me.

The stranger set a black case onto the table but kept shooting me glanced any chance he got. Finally, he spoke up, "What's with the bitch?"

I suddenly didn't like the guy.

"She's none of your concern." Snart responded.

"You sure we can trust her?" The stranger asked, which resulted in Snart to look at me once again. He gave me a look as if mentally warning me, 'screw up, and I'll have your head in the freezer'.

"Yes," He finally answered, "Now open the case."

The guy looked at me one final time, and then shrugged, and opened the case. I found myself nearly falling off the barrel as I tried to see what was inside.

"Do they work?" Mick asked, and the guy nodded.


Snart was staring straight at Mick, giving him a look that clearly was nothing but disappointment.

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