Chapter Nine

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When you write a chapter and watch the Flash at the same time so you can get Snart's personality on point

Chapter Nine

There comes a time when as a person, you can get so fed up with the things natural in your personal life. What has become personal to me, is being held hostage by a psychopathic freak with a freeze gun.

Snart had left me tied up to a pole in the -what felt like-negative temperature warehouse. Supposedly I was to sit, be quiet, and not move until he came back.

To bad I'm inclined to rebel against the rule breakers of central city.

I tried to squeeze my hands through the chains that were locked around my wrists. But, unfortunately, they wouldn't fit through. I kept trying, knowing the outcome each time. My wrists already felt bruised and sore from my constant struggling, but I refused to give up.

I tried every tactic I could. Surely if magicians can do it, so could I.

Snart came rushing back into the building, and I quickly froze -no pun intended- and pretended I was cursing his name under my breath, instead of actually trying to escape.

I actually had been cursing his name, but it wasn't under my breath.

I was about to make a snarky comment about how he looked tense, and that it was hilarious that he was so scared.

But he wasn't scared. The look on his face was dark, cold, like a hunter incredibly ready to kill his prey.

I swallowed my stupid as hell comments and watched him. With his freeze gun in hand, he stepped over to me and to my surprise, he unlocked the chains around my wrists. Then he grabbed hold of my arm, and pulled me up, (in a not-so-nice way.).

"Ow!" I breathed as he wrapped his arm around me in an attempt to keep be by his side. I began struggling until he aimed the freeze gun at me. I stopped.

"You see I have her." He said loud and clear, talking to the air as if it were alive. For a moment I wondered if he was crazy, and not just the type of crazy where you kidnap someone.  "What will you do, Flash?"

Barry was here?

Suddenly a streak of light appeared in front of us. Barry stood there, eyeing Snart carefully. I couldn't help but notice how bad he looked. He still must be in a lot of pain from what Snart did to him previously. 

And yet he still came here to protect me.

"You don't need to hurt her." Barry said, a bit too loud than he needed.  "She's done nothing to you."

Snart grinned, "But she has done something. Not to me, but to you. Any valuable person to you, has waged war against me. People don't befriend their enemy's friends; especially those who are more than friends."

I cringed, knowing now that Barry has heard those words and thinks that I personally believe us to be in a imaginary relationship.

I am not that crazy.

Barry opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly interrupted him by shouting at Snart to let me go. I then gave Barry a pleading look that read 'just go with it' but I don't think he understood. The confusion on his face was obvious.

Snart aimed the gun at Barry, and fired, but quickly moved out of the way before his feet could get frozen to the ground.

"You're quick." Complimented Snart -but I don't think it was a compliment out of the kindness of his heart- "But are you quick enough to save the girl?"

My heart stopped.

He shoved me away from him, pushing me onto the floor. Then, as quick as a blink, he was aiming it at me. As if in slow motion, I saw the ice shoot towards me, in the direction of my face. Before I could find the time to scream, I was suddenly outside. Barry was standing in front of me, checking me all around in case I was injured.

"I'm fine." Was all I said, and a relieved look washed over his face.

"I need you to get out of here right now." His voice was stern, just as it was he previous time we were together, when he told me to run from Snart.

I couldn't just leave him, not again.

"I can't."

"You need to."

"You're hurt, Barry, he will kill you." I made sure to emphasize the 'will', hoping he'd leave.

"I'm worried about him killing you."

"Well I'm not your concern!" I always hated when women said that to men in movies. Trying to claim feminism is understandable, but saying something so cruel to someone who clearly cares about them, it's just wrong to say.

But it slipped before I could hold the words back.

He didn't have time to reply. Snart froze the ground before around my feet, freezing them in a block of ice. Barry didn't hesitate. He began to kick the ice until it shattered around my feet.  I could feel my heart pound against my chest, as for a quickly moment, I thought I was going to be frozen completely.

Why wasn't Snart freezing me all the way?

Barry picked me up without warning, he ran.  I felt myself struggling to even think.

"What are you doing?" I shouted wondering if he could even hear me.

"Taking you home!" He replied, doing just that. We were at my doorstep in less than forty seconds.

He tried to put me down at my doorstep, but I clung to him. I knew he could easily tear me off, but did it anyway. "Don't go back, please don't."


"Promise me you won't try and get Snart until you are at least healed up properly."

He did look exhausted.

He stared at me for a long moment, and then sarcastically rolled his eyes, "Fine. Only if you promise me you won't get yourself in trouble before then."

I then shoved myself away from him. "Deal, smartass."

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