Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"And what here is it that you guys are after?" I asked, half horrified, half confused.

With his cold gun in hand, he walked into the building, the locks have already been broken -most likely by Mick- so we were able to waltz right in.

I couldn't help but feel safe knowing Mick couldn't hurt me, not when Snart has his own weapon to use against him.

"Do we need a specific object?" He said, giving me a look, "With an entire building full of military weaponry, what wouldn't we be after?" I didn't want to think of how much damage he and Mick could cause with weapons like these. They were big, and they looked incredibly dangerous. I didn't even like to be near them. 

I shook my head and mentally face palmed myself, "I'll never understand men and their fascination with destructive objects."

We quietly moved through the building. I kept stealing glances at Snart, despite my uncontrollable trembling, he seemed fine. As if this didn't give him overwhelming anxiety to the slightest.

Maybe he's just used to it. I shivered, I don't think I ever want to get used to this feeling.

Snart suddenly stopped, and I, not paying much attention, walked right into him, making me nearly fall flat on the floor.

I quickly composed myself, "What is it?" I whispered, looking all around for anything moving -alive.

"I hear something." He said back, and not a second later, a gush of wind flew past me, and there stood the Flash, right in front of us.


"Snart!" Barry shouted, "I should have known you were the one setting off the alarms."


"What can I say?" Snart said with a shrug of his shoulders, "I missed you."

Barry looked over at me, as if just realizing I was here, "Hayley?" He questioned, "What are you doing here?"

I decided to speak up, I felt like I had to defend ourselves, because for once, Snart broke in somewhere to do good. I wanted to tell him about Mick, about the dangerous drug he was carrying, and the destruction -and murder- he could commit if we didn't stop him. "It's not what you th-" I was cut off by Snart grabbing me around the waist and pulling me against his him, he then aimed the cold gun right at my head.

"Make one move, and she's ice."

I couldn't believe what was happening. I glared at him, "Snart-" I whispered, "What the hell are you doing?"

He ignored me, as always.

"What is it you want from her?" Barry asked, "Why always her?" That was a question I, too, would like to know.

Then again, I wasn't sure why I always forced myself into Snart's way in the first place. I suppose I played a part in all this as well.

"There could be so many different reasons. Maybe I just like to take her. To threaten her life over and over."

"I know you well enough, Snart. I know you want her for a reason. So what is it? What do you want?"

Snart sighed, "All I want for Christmas is to see you panic, Flash. The fear in your eyes enlightens me."

"You gain nothing from that."

"It humors me." Snart began to back up, and I understood what was happening, "Let us go, and it won't have to get dirty."

"I can't let you take her, not again."

"It's okay." I answered, "He won't hurt me."

He pressed the tip of the cold gun to my head, "Don't be so sure, sweetheart. My trigger finger might accidentally lose it's grip."

I swallowed hard, "Don't listen to him, he's bluffing. I promise you, there are more important things than me right now." Just as I said that, there was a loud bang that came from the bullet hall. Barry glanced towards it's direction, and then looked back at me. I motioned for him to go, and that I'll be fine.

He looked hesitant, but sped off after a second of thinking. Thank God the Flash trusts me.

Snart pushed me away rather suddenly, "We should go." He warned, and I was relieved to see it was all just an act. I knew it was, but the way he played it out was entirely convincing, he almost had me fooled.

Still though, it was a brilliant plan.

I gave him a wary look, "What about Mick?"

"There's no time. We'll deal with him later, if your boyfriend doesn't do it already."

"But you said-"

"I know what I said!" He grabbed hold of my arm and pushed me to walk alongside him, despite the voice in my head screaming for me not too, I forced myself to follow him. "It'll be done, but until then, we should go, unless you want the Flash to ruin everything."

"He could help."

"He'll make things worse."

"How do you know?"

"Because he already did."

We left the building in a hurry. There were more loud noises coming from inside, and I wondered if Barry was fighting with Mick right now.

I felt useless leaving him.

I hopped into the car, along with Snart. He didn't waste time speeding down the road.

"Where are we going now?" I asked, as I realized there was no way Barry could find us now.

Snart was silent for a long moment, before speaking up, "The greatest place I know." He stated, "Home."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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