Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I grabbed the nearest thing I could reach -which was a picture frame that was hanging on the wall- and threw it at him. He stood up and managed to dodge it before it came in contact with his body.

"Get the hell out of my house, you psycho!" I shouted as I stumbled backwards and hit the wall behind me. It was as if all the exhaustion I was feeling had fled. Nothing but adrenaline and fear filled my being and I wanted it to stop.

His eyes narrowed, "Oh shut up, I'm not here to kill you." He sounded more bored than anything.

Does he not realize he does nothing but bring absolute panic into me when he's anywhere near me? How could he feel bored at a time like this?

Doesn't he realize who he is?

I scoffed, "Yeah, right, like I would believe a criminal who already tried to kill me once."

"That was out of my control."

"Cut the shit, I saw the smirk on your face, you fucking enjoyed it."

He just simply shrugged, "It was good practice, if you want me to be honest."

I shouldn't be surprised. He's a murderer. He's a criminal. My hands were shaking, "Why are you here?"

"I need something from you."

"Yeah? Whatever it is, I'm not your girl to get it. So you might as well give up now, Snart." I wasn't sure why I felt so 'confident' right now. Maybe it was because I was bored of this. Maybe it was because I've had a long day.

Or maybe because if he actually was going to kill me, he would have done it weeks ago.

He sighed, "Well, that's too bad, I was hoping we could come to a civilized agreement."

I wanted to laugh, "You, civilized? That's funny."

He stared at me, "Whether you like it or not, you're going to help me."


"I know everything about you, Hayley Everett. I suggest you play nice, or I could do some unfortunate damage to your personal life." He walked over to the picture frame I threw at him, and picked it up. He examined if for literally seconds before showing it to me, "Your mother looks wealthy. It would be a shame if I'd have to go pay her a visit."

I stared at the picture he was holding, the picture of me, my mother, and my father. My heart sunk to my stomach. "Don't you dare hurt my mother."

"Wouldn't dream of it." He replied casually, "If, that is, you help me."

Damn it.

I stared at him. I knew now that I had no choice but to do what he said. "Fine." I said, my pride slowly vanishing each second, "What is it you want me to do?"

He had a satisfied look on his face, and took yet another step towards me, "I know you and the Flash are close-"

"I can't help you hurt him. I won't help you hurt him." I cut him off rather suddenly, which he clearly did not appreciate.

"I wasn't going to ask you to."

"Then what are you asking me to do, Snart?"

"I need you to take something from him."

"And what would that be?"

"His attention." He said it so emotionlessly.

I swallowed, "You want me to distract him? From what?"

"From me." He was now so close to me, I backed up tightly against the wall.

"What are you going to do?"

"There's an important job that has to be done tomorrow. I can't have any heroes in tights interfering." His face was so close to mine now, I could feel his warm breath on my skin.

"What kind of job is so important?" My voice lowered to a whisper, as I felt so unconfident at this moment.

"That doesn't concern you." He suddenly pushed himself away from me, "If you do this for me, I'll gladly forget your mother exist."

"If I do this, you have to promise me two things." I knew I was milking it, but I might as well shoot for more profit. "First, nobody can die in this job of yours."

He didn't hesitate. "Done."

"Second, I want you to forget about my existence as well."

We stared at each other for a long moment, before he finally said, "Fine."

I nodded, "Okay. I'll keep the Flash busy tomorrow, then, I don't ever want to see your face again."

He finally smirked, the seriousness on his face faded ever so slightly, "Then we have a deal."

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