Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The next morning, I called Barry for coffee. We went to the coffee shop, where we sat and spoke for an awkward half hour.

We are just both extremely awkward people.

I wasn't sure how long I had to keep Barry busy, but I figured I was to do so until the news suddenly covers a 'heist' story live on channel twelve.

I spent the entire night trying to convince myself I was doing the right thing. It's for the sake of a civilian. My mother could get killed if I didn't go along with this.

"So, have any luck with a girl yet?" I cooed, as I nudged Barry with my arm. I found it rediculous the Flash wasn't in a romantic relationship. Don't women usually fall for the heroic types?

Barry laughed, "No, no luck yet."

"That's a shame." I said, as I took a drink from my coffee, "I think there could be some great benefits from dating the Flash."

Barry shrugged, "Not many girls would like the idea of dating a meta human, I'm sure."

"You're not like the rest of the meta humans. You're nice."

"Your compliments just get worse and worse." He laughed and I laughed with him. I felt absolutely disgusted with myself. The fact that I have to actually act in front of Barry makes me feel like shit.

Barry is a good friend. He doesn't deserve this.

"Hey, I'll be right back, I'm going to go order another coffee." He said, and I nodded. When he left, I was relieved to have a moment to breathe.

Of course that was ruined, when his phone began to buzz on the table.

Panic overwhelmed me when I read Cisco's name on the caller ID.

What if he was calling him because of Snart? I can't let Barry go just yet, it hasn't been long enough.

I didn't think twice about it. I quickly snatched Barry's phone from off the table, and dropped it into my coffee. It buzzed one last time, making a bit of the coffee spill out, and then silence.

My heart was pounding.

I didn't want to think about what Snart was doing. I didn't want to think about the endless destruction he could permit without the Flash to stop him.

I also didn't want to think about the fact that I just dropped a four-hundred dollar cellphone into it's black liquid demise.

Barry came back, and I tried to play it off like nothing happened.

So far, he believe it.

"So." I said, frantically trying to think about what to do next. We couldn't just sit here all day. It'd obviously look like I was up to something.

"Want to go for a walk in the Central City park? I hear it's lovely at this hour."

"At ten in the morning?" He asked, with a grin.

"Shut up, and let's just go." I said with a soft punch to his arm.

We walked over to the park, and it most certainly wasn't lovely. The leaves were about gone off the trees, and everything looked dead. Not to mention the city surrounded the park, so it's not like we were exactly out in the midst of nature.

We still got a pretty good view of traffic every place we looked, thanks to the leaveless trees, and dead bushes that haven't been cared for because our taxes go to shit like 'sidewalk art' and not to anything that actually benefits us.

"So, spill it." Barry said, as we both walked side-by-side down the tiny path through the park, "Why are we actually spending the morning together?"

I pretended to sound offended, "Barry Allen, are you saying you don't like spending time with me? Am I not worth your morning, is that it?"

"You know very well what I mean, Hayley." He said, with a smirk.

I huffed, "Yeah, I know." I quickly tried to ponder up a lie, which of course was hard, since lying wasn't my strongest quality. "It's just uhh, I've been feeling kind of-" think of something Hayley, anything, "paranoid?"


I nodded, "Snart scares the shit out of me." Does he really? It honestly feels like I'm more pissed off at him than anything. I'm scared of what he'd do to my family. But after last night, I don't fear him.

I just hate him. Plain and simple.

Barry seemed to understand, despite it all being an act, "Hey, don't worry. You have me on speed-dial. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

It's already happening to me.

I want to tell him the truth so goddamn bad.

"Thanks, Barry." I said, in defeat to my own mental contemplating battle.

Barry nodded, and felt his pocket, "Hey, have you seen my cellphone?"

Uh oh.

I shook my head, "No, I thought you had it."

"I did. I must have left it at the coffee shop. I'll be right back." He suddenly ran before I could stop him. He came back precisely eight seconds later.

"Did you find it?" I asked, pretending I didn't already know the answer.

"No. I wonder if it fell out of my pocket."

"Probably. Let's go back and look for it."

He agreed, and we slowly retraced our steps. I acted as if I were looking, even thought I knew we weren't going to find shit.

"I wonder where it could have gone." I spoke up.

"Yeah, that's just more money down the drain," He said, with a slight laugh. "It's the third phone I've lost this year."

"You really need to take better care of your things."

"You aren't the first person to-" He was unable to finish his sentence as there was a loud boom, sound from behind us. We both spun around to see one of the buildings explode into a fit of flames. Fire broke out from the windows, and glass shattered onto the concrete below.

"Oh my God." I breathed, and Barry turned to me.

"Stay here." He ordered, "I have to go see if anyone is inside."

"Barry wait!" I called, but he was already gone.

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