Chapter 4

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"Ok class,for this first activity,you're gonna have to talk to the person sitting beside you and tell them more about yourself. After you're done,take turns with your partner." 

Ok. So Xander's sitting beside me. I'll have to talk to him. I'm totally fine with this. I can do this.

"Ok. You start first." Xander said,turning his chair to face me. 

"I'm Agnes. I'm 17 years old. I live in Makati. My favorite celebrities are Ariana Grande,1D and Fifth Harmony. I've been in this school since i was 8." I told Xander. 

"I'm Xander. I used to go to Willford Academy. My best friends moved to this school with me. And,I like sports." Xander said,telling me a few things about him. 

"How's Willford? I heard it's one of the best schools in the Philippines. Is it just the same as it is here?" I asked Xander,wanting to know more about him and his previous school. 

"It's fine. Actually,it's really nice there. It's almost the same as this school except this school's bigger. Lots of people knew me there and i knew lots of people too. I've been in that school since I was 6 with my best friends,DJ and Hayme." he said,telling me more about what it was like in his school. I think he was one of the popular kids there. 

He told me more about himself and what he likes and I told him about my hobbies and things I enjoy doing. We  discovered that we both really enjoy football. 

When I was 9, I was one of the best football players in the girls team in our school. I was really fast and I was also pretty aggressive when it comes to competitions. I loved the team. The only thing that stopped me from being able to play in our team was this girl that used to bully me. Her name was Abigail Dizon. I hated her. So much. She used to be one of the really popular cool kids when i was new in this school. Abigail and I didn't mind each other at first,but when our coach wanted me as team captain of the team since I was really good at football, she knew that I'd take her place. She knew that I was capable of replacing her. So she got me kicked off the team. She pretended that I tried injuring her on purpose and eventually got our coach to tell me that I was off the team. She still goes to this school now. She's still here and she's still the same Abigail everyone knew before. The only difference is that now, I've taken her place and she doesn't seem to happy about it. She hastes me,and I hate her too. That's just how it is. I don't think I'll ever be friends with her. No one really is. She lies a lot and spreads fake rumours about different people she doesn't like in school. She tried doing it to me just to get her revenge and make me look bad, but lots of people know that I'm not like what she says and that everything she says is fake. She's fake. Faker than Arzaylea. 

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