Duskie vs. Moon

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[Duskie, don't delete or change my messages I have a say in this too -Moon]

Hai everybody. Currently, Moon and I are having a battle to determine who's awesomer. It is, obviously, me, but since the idiotic Moon won't understand this no matter how many times I burn her(I mean, come on, where does she get that many herbs anyways?), we've decided to have a contest and let you guys decide.

[I am secretly a medicine cat, even if I was a warrior your burns do nothing to me -Moon]

[Medicine cats die, too. Deputies on the other hand...well, we just live forever.~Duskie]

We need you guys to comment prompts [Warriors-related] below. We're going to pick one we like and then both write a short piece about it. Make sure it's not too complicated or happy. I don't like happy things. After we write our pieces, we'll have you comment who you think is better. We might have multiple rounds.

[We WILL have multiple rounds because I am desperate, JK -Moon]

We'll start writing on the coming Monday. Comment all the good prompts you can think of before then. There's no limit per person. And, yup, that's it. 

[That is never it -Moon]

[and may Duskie lose -Moon]

[Moon has medical problems that mess with her rationalism. ~Duskie]

[FALSE, you don't know my life -Moon]

[Amazing comeback right there, Moon. *claps* ~Duskie]

Lol, this is useless because I'm obviously going to win.

[Over confidence is your weakness young apprentice -Moon]

[Moon, I'm a year older than you. ~Duskie]

[You don't act like it, OOOOHHHH BUUURN -Moon]

[I feel sad for you and your supposed opinion of what a burn is. ~Duskie]

~ Admin Duskie

[Featuring admin Moon]

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