Sugar Tolerance

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So we're going be talking about this as if it's alcohol. 

So anyways, this is Duskie, and I wish to ask, what exactly does a sugar rush feel like?

Because honestly, I feel like I've never had one, even though I've had many incidents of extreme amounts of sugar (mainly Valentine's Day and Halloween).

I think I had a sugar crash once. Without a sugar rush. I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS STUFF WORKS, OKAY? So basically we went to a family friend's house and there were two other family friend families so it was like a mini get-together and they had this custard and then I took their Hershey's Chocolate Syrup and kept mixing it with the custard and eating it. I did that like about twenty times until I was just sitting on the couch, feeling all full and tired and well, sugar-full. I dunno how to describe the feeling, but there's this sense of sugar filledness when you eat a lot of sugar ya know?

But I wasn't exactly tired. I was just like...idk, too hard to describe.

Ah, sugar packets. I sometimes dine on those at restaurants. I wonder how many Frost ate to get high. I've eaten like thirty in one sitting without getting the sugar filledness feeling.

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