Joint Account. . ?

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'Ello there :)

Whisper and Rio have founded a joint account together that (we hope) is pretty cool. Basically, the premise is to use scientific subjects like genetics, astronomy, etc. in our writing.

The account is CatsofScience, by the way :3

Anyways, we are looking to hire a few admins for the CS account (NOT CG! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CLOUDTAILGRANDMAS ACCOUNT), and since there is a large base of people who want to join accounts here, we thought we would ask you guys.

There is a link on the CatsofScience profile page. Make sure to check it out if you are interested :3

Thanks for your time, and we love you! We hope you apply.

~ Whisper and Rio


And, uh, I, I am totally not self-advertising my art on here while being a hypocrite.

 ~ Duskie

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