Duskie Destroys

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So, Crazy, you want some burns?

Take a look at these:

*Duskie is in class talking to a dude who sits next to her*

Eric: Have you passed The Scientific Revolution[test thingy that one must get 8/10 to pass]?

Duskie: Yeah. 100%, first try.

Eric: *sad face* I took it 13 times. I keep getting 70%.

Duskie: Come on, Eric, use that non-existent brain of yours!

Eric: You crush my hopes of success.

Duskie: Your success doesn't matter to this world.


*Duskie is in math class doing math on a peice of paper*

Connor: *looks over shoulder* That's wrong [in an annoying way].

Duskie: And so is your existence on this planet.


[and not exactly a burn, but just because we're all accusing a 5"2 friend of mine of being short]

*Duskie, Madison, and Molly are talking*

Madison: Ahahaha, short little Molly.

Duskie: You mean MOOLLY.

Madison: Wut.

Duskie: Remember when we had that drama class? I wanted Moolly to be Hera, and goddess of cows and all, so I've christened her Moolly.

Madison: *turns to Molly* You are Moolly forever now. But either way, you're still a short little thing.

Duskie: It's like I'm a Chinese eggplant, you're an Italian eggplant, and Moolly's an Indian eggplant.

Molly: What the heck are you talking about?


*shows pictures on computer*



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Duskie: From now on, you shall be known as Mooplat or Eggmoo

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Duskie: From now on, you shall be known as Mooplat or Eggmoo.

*and so, Duskie has been calling Molly that since last week*

I could do more, but I'm feeling lazy right now, so naw. If really you want me to do more though, I definitely can.

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