Crazystar's Great Questions

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So it's Crazystar, and I needed something to post in this book, so yeah.

1. Why do we sell birthday cakes but not birthday pies?

2. If you put the Superman symbol on a bowl, does that make it the Super Bowl?

3. Where did the saying "it's raining cats and dogs" even come from?!

4. And the most important of these questions; why do Americans spell everything different from the rest of the world?


Format: American / Rest of the world

Fulfill / Fulfil 

Lasagna / Lasagne

Traveling / Travelling

Signaling / Signalling

Honor / Honour

Organize / Organise

Offense / Offence

These are just a few examples xD We might as well just make our own language and call it American, because English in the rest of the world is way different in many instances.

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