Chapter 7: The Power of Music

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Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here!
-J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone


Music is a thing that most people find fun and inspirational. Songs can be sad or they may be uplifting. Music is a way another way to tell a story. This is one thing that Lily taught Snape when they were children. Severus isn't good at expressing himself, but you can tell how he is feeling by the way he plays and what he plays. When they were younger, Mrs. Lilliana Rose Evans, Lily's muggle mother taught Severus and Lily how to play the piano. They both had a natural talent for it. A gift of a song for the best friends of the time. A song for the only true friend either of them will ever have.

Back at the Funeral Snape's POV

Many songs are played and I am flooded with memories. Both joyous and depressing and some a mix of the two. Music has always been of the up most importance in my life. It let's me express myself

The first song that was played was Imagine by John Lennon. Lily loved the Beatles. The lyrics that really struck home with me in that song were: "Nothing to kill or die for...Living Life in Peace...You may say I'm a dreamer,but I'm not the only one...I hope someday you'll join us,In the world will be as one" These lyrics struck home for me because Lily brought everyone together. All she wanted was for everyone to get along and that's one reason she tried to unite Hogwarts. She knew if everyone was united we were strong. All she wanted was peace and everyone to be happy. Maybe if we all were united she wouldn't have died as suddenly as she did. If we were united they're wouldn't even have been a war in the first place.

We all would have just been wizards with our strengths,who would do great things to the Wizarding World. I believe everyone would be happy and peaceful. That would have been wonderful but,that wouldn't ever be reality. They're are always those who want power. They're also are those who think they're better than others. In truth we all are equal. We are all needed. I always think that evil is needed just to balance the scales. The evil and the good both are needed. You want to rid the world of evil, an impossible task. You want to be happy, you have to work for it. Hard work helps give the world meaning. Nothing in life is free.

Lily was also a dreamer. She was always one with big ideas and she was never afraid to speak her mind. That was one quality I always loved about Lily. She was brave and always true to herself.

I remember the first time I ever heard that song. I was at Lily's house the summer after our first year.

The next song that played was a bit more appropriate for a funeral. It was called Tears of an Angel by RyanDan. That song was appropriate because Lily was my angel. She is my guardian angel. When she died I cried actual tears for the loss of my angel on earth.

That Hallows Eve, heaven gained another angel in disguise. I couldn't believe that my angel was gone. I have finally got through the first stage of grief denial. I now know that she's dead and no matter how hard I cry, or beg my angel isn't going to come back down to earth.

The lyrics "Cover my eyes. Cover ears. Tell me these words are a lie."  Speaks of how I didn't want to believe she was dead. All I can do now is accept that she is dead and nothing will be able to bring her back for no spell, or potion can bring back the dead.

Towards the end of the song, their are also emotional lyrics:  "Stars are in shock. The river will flow to the sea. I wont say goodbye. I wont let you slip away from me." These lyrics talk about how sudden and shocking her death was to most of us. She was so young, powerful and innocent. She didn't deserve to die, but who does in war. If you love something, let it go, but I never wanted it to end this way.

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