Wild hearts.

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I arrived at the rage and started warming up before my students arrived, I was nervous as fuck and had no one to talk to it about since Em got up early for work and I haven't talked to Riker sense he and Ross dropped me off.
My nose was not as painful today and but my face was bruised a bit, as I was done stretching the kids started to show up.. When everyone was seated on the floor I stood up in the middle and started introducing myself.

- Hi! My name is Molly and I am your new dance teacher! I know I look like I've been in a fight but that's not the case I promise.
On of the boys raised his hand..
- Yes..? I didn't know their names..
- I was just wondering if you were single? And my name is Oliver... Everybody started to giggle.
- Hi Oliver, that not of you business! I smirked at him and turned around.

I started to learn everybody's name's and then we got started with the routine, they were really good and got everything really fast. I was really impressed by them and they seemed to like me to.. When we finished up the last steps I saw a familiar person standing in the doorway.

- Hello Riker, what brings you here? Can't you see I have a class.. I said and tried not to sound to harsh.. I was really glad that he showed up.
- I just came to see how your first day was going and it seems to go well! He smiled at me.
- So I guess you're not single? Oliver looked at us.
- This is not my boyfriend, this is my best friend! I smiled at Riker.
- Do you dance to? A girl named Tess asked.
- Yes I do but not as good as you guys! He winked at her and she blushed.
- Okey that's it for today! See you guys in 2 days! I started to pack up my belongings.

Riker just stood there and waited for me..
- Riker is there a special reason you're here? I asked.
- Um yeah.. I wanted to apologize for yesterday, I was really rude and out of place so I just.. I don't know I don't want you getting in trouble.. He looked at his shoes.
- Thank you for caring about me! I gave him a hug and we walked out to the car where Ross stood with his arms crossed.

- I've been waiting for you guys since forever! He whined. He looked at me and his eyes got wider.
- What? I blushed..
- You look like crap.. He chuckled and I punched him.
- OW! Why did you do that?! He looked mad.
- Don't ever tell me or any girl for that matter that she looks like crap.. Idiot.. I mumbled as I got in the car.

Ross and Riker stood outside looking like they had an argument about something.. I couldn't hear what they said..
- Everything okey? I asked as they got in the car.
- Everything is fine! And I'm sorry I said you look like crap.. Ross blushed.

Did he just blush? He's even cuter when he blushes.. No what I'm I thinking.. I can't fall for this guy..
- It's ok, you are forgiven! I beamed at him.
- What do you wanna do now? Riker asked as he started the car.
- Take a shower would be perfect.. I kinda smell.. I chuckled..

He put on the radio and "monster - Kanye West" was on..
- THIS IS MY JAM! TURN IT UP!!! I yelled and Ross looked chocked but did as I said.

I started raping along with nickis vers, I didn't miss a single word and after the song was done Riker turned the volym down.. Ross turned his head with his jaw dropped..
- What the heck was that? Riker looked surprised.
- What? That's my jam.. I shrugged.
- I did not think you could rap.. Ross was so surprised that I started giggling at his expression..

We just sang along to the songs on the radio the rest of the drive to my apartment, when we arrived I noticed that Rocky and Em were home. I walked in the kitchen with Ross and Riker following me..

- Hi guys! I smiled.
- What the fuck happend to your face? Em asked in a worried voice.
- I got a ball in my face when I went to the beach last night.. Riker and Ross drove me to the hospital everything is fine! I smiled at her.
- You look like crap.. Rocky smirked at me..
- Fuck off will you? I glared at him.
- Hey! Why didn't you smack him? Ross looked offended.
- Because he will get his revenge when I'm asleep.. I giggled.

I left the boys and Em in the kitchen to go and get a shower, I couldn't stop thinking about Ross.. He is so freaking cute and kinda sexy.. No I can't think about this.. Not now at least.
I got out off the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and walked out in to my room, there on my bed sat Ross..
- WHAT THE FUCK DUDE! What the hell are you doing in here I could have been naked!! I glared at him.
- I'm sorry.. I wouldn't mind tough.. He smirked.
- Get the fuck out.. NOW! I pushed him out off my room, got dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a sports bra with a flannel shirt over and walked out with out butting up.

Everybody sat in the kitchen, Ross looked amused and I just glared at him.
- Rocky, Riker teach your younger brother some freaking manners.. I spat.
- What did he do now? Rocky chuckled at me.
- Not much except for when I got out of the shower he was on my freaking bed like a creep..
- I just wanted to talk to you! How would I know you would come out in just a towel? He smirked..
- Just learn to knock next time! I turned around and went out for a smoke..

Why did I get so mad? I didn't want him to see me because I'm embarrassed but I didn't have to be so mad.. I felt someone sitting next to me.

- Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act like a creep. I just wanted to talk to you.. Ross looked at his feet.
- It's okey, I shouldn't have been so mad in the first place.. I overreacted and I'm sorry! I smiled at him and gave him a hug. Freaking fuck he smells good.
- So what did you wanna talk about..? I was really curious.
- Just wanted to ask you if you would like to eat dinner with me tomorrow? He blushed again.
- Like a date? I raised my eyebrow.
- I-I Not if you don't want it to be.. He stuttered.
- Sure! A girl got to eat right? I giggled and he looked relived.

We went back inside and sat down on the couch with the others, we sat there and talked for a while before I heard my stomach growl..
- Sorry, totally forgot to eat today.. I blushed.
- I haven't had the time either! Em said and we laugh.
- Did I hear pizza? Rocky says looking at us.
- YES PLEASE! I scream a little bit to loud.
- Okay monster calm down! Riker chuckles at me.
- Hey! That's my nickname for her! Rocky looked at his brother.
- But it's perfect for her, can't I borrow it? He looks at Rocky with puppy eyes.
- If you pay for pizza you can use it! He smirkes and I can't resist to laugh at them.

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