Beautiful trauma

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Since I didn't have any memory loss the doctor had told me I could start sleeping trough the entire night instead of being woken up every two hours, the only problem was my massive headache.

I told Ross that I was fine and that he could go home the next day and practically shoved him out the door, the night he called me princess and took care of me was amazing and I really enjoyed it, but with me it's never that easy.

I had a dream that night about us, as in me and Ross. The dream was about our future together and I couldn't stop thinking about it the next morning so I panicked (like usual) and kicked him out.

As I've told everybody including him, I'm not looking for a relationship and besides I like being able to do whatever I want whenever I want and everyone always thought that that would change but it hasn't.

I've had a couple of bad breakups and heartbreak's and I'm sick and tired of it.

I laid in my bed for two days straight trying to fight the headache, but on day three I got tired of laying in bed and decided to go to the rage.

I talked to Hannah for a while before she told me that Rydel was in one of the dancehalls with some people so I went to look for her and when I came in to the room saw Em, Rocky, Riker and Rydel all dancing around and laughing.

I watched them for a while before I started clapping to get their attention, "Molly what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in bed?" Rydel asked both excited and a bit worried, "No I talked with my doctor, I'm fine as long as I don't bang my head in anything." I laughed.

We hung out at the studio for a while and danced before Rydel had the brilliant idea of a girl night out and that was exactly what I needed, we decided to meet up at our apartment in 2 hours and Rocky would drive us in to town and we would take it from there.

I was in the car with Rocky and Em when my phone went of, I answered with out looking who it was.

- hello?
- Hi it's Ross
- oh hi.. I mentally cursed myself for answering
- So what are you up to? Do you wanna hang out tonight?
- Sorry I cant.
- okey? Have I done something? You seem mad..
- I'm not mad I just have other things going on tonight.
- Like what? He sounded irritated
- I'm having a girls night out with Rydel and Em.
- Should you really be drinking with your injury?
- Yea the doctor said I'm fine, and also who are you? My mother?
- What the fuck is your problem Molly?
- I don't have a problem I'm just curious to why your so up in my business?
- You know what Molly? I honestly don't know.

He hung up and I sighed, I knew I blew it but it was for the best, "What was that all about?" Em looked at me but I just shrugged "It was nothing".

Rydel called Em and told her that she would take Ellington with her and get ready at our place instead, when she walked in the door she had 2 big bags with her filled with clothes, makeup and jewelry. I knew I was gonna suffer the consequences of this but I thought why not?

"Please Molly" Em and Rydel whined in unison, "I don't know why can't I just dress myself?" I sighed for the hundredth time since they started bugging me, "Cause we want to do a make over, pretty please" Rydel looked at me with puppy eyes.. "Just suck it up Monster, they will never give it up" I heard Rocky's voice behind me, "Yeah, okay whatever" and they squealed like two fan girls.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? I LOOK LIKE A.." "You look beautiful and sexy!" Rydel interrupted, I was about to object but they decided to push me down in a chair to do my hair and makeup so I just went with it.

"You look amazing Molly! Our job here is done!" Em and Rydel looked proudly at me and I took a look at myself in the mirror and stared at myself.

I had a white laced body with a deep cut in the middle making me look a bit to naked for my taste, I also had fishnet stockings and a pair of washedout highwaisted jeans shorts. "No for the shoes.." Em looked like a kid on Christmas, "Can't I just wear a pair of converse?" I pleaded, "Absolutely not young lady, you are wearing these" Rydel told me, is was a pair of thigh high boots with a small heel.

"I can't fucking walk in those?!" I exclaim loudly, "Oh shut up, it's not even that hard come on Molly!" Em pleaded and I sighed and started to put on the shoes.

When I was done they insisted to show Rocky and Ellington but apparently in the meantime we were getting ready the boys had come over cause apparently they were going to have a boys night or something, I was hidden inside Em's room and I didn't really wanna go out and 'show' my outfit..

Like Em has read my mind she came in with two shots of tequila and a smirk, I took both in a matter of seconds and took a deep breath.

"Come on out Molly!" I heard Rydel sing song, I sighed and thought to myself 'it's now or never' and went out the door without looking at the boys. After what felt like 10 minutes of silence I decided to look up, Riker's eyes were as big as golf balls, Ryland was sitting and covering his crotch, Rocky and Ellington was looking everywhere but me and Ross looked.. jealous? I don't know but I decided to get rid of the tension.

"Told You they wouldn't like it, I'm going to change" I stated glaring at Em and Rydel, "Its no fucking way that's happening, you are going out in that outfit, end of discussion!" Rydel spoke and I was kinda stunned cause she just cursed and she never does that, Em nodded to show she was taking Rydel's side.

The boys still hadn't said anything but Rocky looked at my face at least, "I've never seen you with that kind of makeup or with your hair like that.. it's nice I guess..? " He said kind of awkward, Em rolled her eyes, "Really is that all you can say Rocky? It's not like I'm going to break up with you if you told here she looks hot? Cause she obviously do." Em stated.

"But she's like my little sister and I feel like I don't want her to go out looking like that because.. boys.." I started laughing so hard at that statement that I had to sit down.
"Thank you rock, your like a brother but I would never change because you told me to" I smirked at him and he gave me a irritated look.

"Okay fine, You look really freaking good" he sighed and looked at Em for approval, "That's better honey" She smiled.

The boys started to wake up and Riker and Ellington told me I looked really good and I thanked them, I decided to go out for a smoke before we were of to the club.

Ross came out seconds after me and took a cigarette from me, I didn't say anything just kept smoking.

"So why are you ignoring me? And what the fuck was up with you on the phone earlier?" He asked. "I'm not ignoring you? I've been getting ready all day and I got sick of you babying me that's why I had an attitude" I said shortly.

"I'm not babying you but you are kind of careless so I was just making sure you're okay.." "But it's not your job to take care of me, I can do that myself."  We sat quiet for a while before he spoke up again. "Are you really going out like that?" He gave me a look and I felt myself getting mad.

"You know what Ross? Fuck you. You don't get to ask me that." With that I left him on the balcony and went in to the others, "Are we leaving or what?" I kind of snapped, "Yes we were waiting for you, are you alright?" Em looked a bit confused over my sudden change in mood and I sighed, "Yes I'm fine, sorry for snapping"

"That's alright, let's go ladies! Tonight's about to get crazy!" Rydel cheered and we laughed and followed her out the apartment.

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