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"I know, right!" Nuha beams into the speaker of my phone and I cringe. She is way too happy to be up this early.

"Okay, Nuha" I agree to shut her up. I don't understand why it is so important that I come over to her today. I know, she has been begging me for three days straight and I owe it to her to atleast show up after being three days indoors, I just wish she would've bothered me the weekend.

"Maryam, you should be happy! Today will be the first day you wear your veil outside! Alhamdulilah!"

"Yes, yes. Alhamdulilah." I sigh. I know I should be happy and jumping for joy but, I honestly do not feel like it right now.

"Come out already. I'll be waiting. Text me when you're on your way and don't chicken out." She laughs.

"No, I won't" I smile at the thought of staying indoors another day, "I'll text you. In shaa Allah."

Placing my phone on the bedside cabinet, I focus on the black piece of material slung openly over the back of my chair.

My veil.

Today is the day that I'll finally be going outside of this house with my face covered. Finally!

I lay for a while and then, fight the urge to pull the covers over my head but, the smell of freshly baked cookies, motivates me to throw back the covers and hurry downstairs.

On my way downstairs, I grab my cardigan and pin my hijab loosely around my head.

I hear the scoffle of shoes coming from the kitchen and I assume its my mother.

"Asalaamu'alaykum Ma." I say when my assumption turns out to be correct. "Wa'alaikum salaam, Maryam! Finally, you're up, Alhamdulilah!" she pulls me into a tight hug and I can feel myself blushing.

"How is Ma doing?" I pull out a saucer and place it on the table. Two trays of chocolate chip cookies rests on the iron holder.

"I am alright. Your Abee has been up all night." I follow my mother's hands while she puts a few cookies in the saucer.

"Ah, really? Why?" I ask concerned.

"Just the usual. Work on his mind." My mother shrugs and then, motions for me to sit down.

"Oh.." I lower my voice as low as I can, "I think Abee needs a break."

My mother hesitates before nodding and both of us bursts out in laughter.

I like this new relationship I have with my mother. Not that the old one was kinda boring, I just feel as though our relationship has been sort of renewed. It could be something else too but, either way, I love it.

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