Thor (part 2)

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Not gonna be a hundred percent accurate

"So...this vibranium-"

"Is important for our plan so make sure not to spill any." Ultron chimed  in as he pushed them forward. Y/n gave up with her question and walked on. Carrying the what seemed to be dangerous chemicals through the halls.

Not long ago Ultron had...'convinced' some man to sell him the chemical. Not sure of how he did, but he just did.

"Oh come on. Your gonna make your old man sad." The villains heads snapped to the side as the sound of the wretched man of iron broke through the veil of work that had surrounded the area.

"Where's the rest of your team Mr. Man?" Y/n laughed gently, seeing as he was alone.

"Oh. You mean them?" As if on cue, the rest of the Avengers leapt out from behind him. Weapons ready.

"Oh I see you've brought your toys. Can I play?" He coyly responded. Raising his hands, a harbinger for us to attack. Quickly Pietro flashed by, jumping towards one. Wanda seemed to have disappeared from the entire scene. The battle began.

Ultron pulled Iron man forward with some type of magnetic force, then shot him back with another. He was thrown into the wall cracking it and shattering the wood beneath him.

"Anyone else?" Ultron mocked as he looked at the other busy Avengers.

"I'm not done here yet Squirt." Iron man jumped back up and charged at the metal being.

A smile crossed y/n's face at the chaos that surrounded her.
"Better get busy~" She practically sang as she began to jog away from the two metal men. She ran until a familiar face came into her vision.

"Thor." She whispered as she saw the blonde once again beating away at the still oncoming Hydra men.

"I've got him boys." She said walking towards him.

With no hesitation, Thor brought his hammer down. Luckily for U/n, she had already seen his attack pattern. If he missed on the down swing, he would bring it to the left, then back up where he would repeat the pattern. Unless he pulled another one of his thunder tricks. This time she wouldn't have Pietro to swoop her up.

But what of Wanda.

Wanda stood in the back of the room, sending Y/n signals as to what to do. Understanding the plan, she sent a nod unbeknownst to Thor. Who steadily swung his Asgardian Rock.

"Why are you trying to hurt me Mr. Behemoth." She asked as she jumped out of the way of his powerful swing.

"Do not run from me Witch!" He boomed. Swinging his hammer back down.

"Your to easy. I swear, you should come with me instead of these...'mortals' you call friends." She teased with a tone of seriousness.

"Never!" He quickly defended as she rolled to the left.
Aggravation came over her as he continued to swing.

"WILL YOU STOP!" She yelled. Raising her hands, she froze him. His arm was all the way to the left, his hammer flew out of his hand. Attracting the interest of a speedster.

"Why can't I move witch?!" He yelled as he struggled against his restraints, only making Y/n tighten them.

"You can't move as long as I have you~." She said as her voice died down. She walked towards him and stared while he did the same, a look of anger etching his face.

"Now I'll say it again. Join me, and leave them. All you do is fight with them, why not?" She cooed placing her hand on his cheek.

"Though we fight, we are family! I will never betray them-"

"But they will betray you. Especially Stark. He is a foul human."

Thor sighed as he gave up his attempt at escape.
"What is wrong with midgaurdians and their hatred towards brother tony."

"So your loyalty is that strong huh?" She said taking a step back, as someone else took a silent step forward.

"Fine then, do not except my offer. But know your punishment for this is not my fault."
She released him from her hold.
Looking away she nodded.

"Hold on what do you mean my-" but his sentence was cut short as Wanda did her sorcery and corrupted his mind.

A dazed yet confused look crossed his face as he wobbled back and forth. His gaze looked to Wanda, seeing as he knew not of her presence. Then back to Y/n.

"Let us go now. We have finished off the rest." Wanda chided as she gently placed her hand on the small of y/n's back edging her to move forward.

But y/n couldn't help but look back.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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