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The shining sunlight peeks through the gap in the blinds. Ashton hums under his breath as he rolls over to you, his arm wrapping gently around your waist, pulling your warm body into his own. A smile gleamed on his face as he saw you smile. His fingertips lightly trace indistinguishable shapes against the exposed skin of your hip, lulling you back into a relaxed state as you involuntarily move further into his touch, loving his feel on you. Ashton moves closer again, his face burying into the crook of your neck and with his warm breath blowing against your skin, you're fast asleep within seconds.


The sky is dark with the rain lashing down, creating a steady beat when the water bounces off the ground outside, ruining all of your plans that you'd made for that morning. Michael's sitting at the end of the couch with your feet propped onto his lap with his eyes half closed, as he briefly turns his head in your direction. He lets his head fall back against the soft material and slowly but surely, he lifts his hand up and rests it on your leg, giving it a small comforting squeeze every once in a while. The book you've been reading to him for the last ten minutes is being held tightly in your hands as you flip it to the next page, eagerly anticipating the next plot twist that's coming your way. With every word that leaves your lips, the more Michael falls asleep to the sound of your soft voice and it's not long before small snores echo through the room.


The house is eerily quiet as you wake up and immediately noticing the empty space next to you, you deflate a little, ruining the morning before it's even started. Calum's been giving you the silent treatment for the past two days although you can't understand why and he hasn't told you either. It's when you're making breakfast a few minutes later that you see Calum for the first time, laying down on the couch, his mouth slightly parted and his eyes tightly shut. Crossing the room and grabbing the closest blanket you can find, you start to place it over him. But as soon as the material touches him, he quickly reaches an arm up, encircling it around your waist before he pulls you down on top of you. He starts to murmur soft apologies into your ear as he pulls you even closer and the breakfast you'd been making is left discarded and uncared for in the kitchen.


The jet lag that has had you tossing and turning for most of the night is definitely not your friend. It's in the early hours of the morning when you finally give up on sleep altogether, grabbing a jacket and heading out onto the balcony where you can see Luke leaning against the railings. He's looking out onto the beautiful city lights that illuminate the horizon and you can only watch in awe as you see the true extent of its beauty the closer you get. He shifts his gaze to you when he hears you slide the door open and offering you the briefest of smiles, he gestures for you to move closer to him. Doing just that, you lean your head against his shoulder and together, you watch as the city lives on as you both watch while losing out on yet another nights sleep.

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