Servent~Ashton Smut

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This was not just a dream. Thirteen men stood across from you.

All of them inspected you and the other girls like fresh meat. Licking their lips and grabbing their balls like some sort of sex animal.

Children were rare in this era because the human body made it harder to produce over hundred years (Idk lol) . So men would commonly have seven to ten wives to increase the chance of childbirth and keep mankind running smoothly. Girls would never willingly give their body for men so they were abducted from their home or street and taken to the men who needed wives. You were abducted off the street along with other girls. All were beautiful girls, with cut glass cheekbones, flat stomachs, and long legs (Bitch if u curvy, don't be offended its just a smut). They picked all the girls specifically for their beautiful skin tone, bright eyes and nice hair. They picked you. You heard the stories about girls getting abducted, but you never thought that one of those girls would be you. You looked at all the men in front of your standing in a line You looked at the girl who stood next to you her face matching yours. Scared.

Even being picked by one of these men you swore to yourself to never let them fondle you or have sex. You would save that for someone you truly loved. The coordinator of the ceremony, Ms. Price was quite happy with the girls that she had abducted, smiling broadly at the men who have seemed to be in too much of a sex haze to understand. Boys went up one by one picking the girl they wanted. A boy walked up, he had blond hair swept to the side with bright blue eyes (Its not luke lol). He looked at all the girls, their faces caked with makeup. He looked over at you, with a bare face, that was undressed, he smiled.

"I want her." 


You were taken to the boy's house the next day. It was a mansion, probably a million times bigger than your old house. You had learned in a week that he had impregnated six girls and have had eight kids, all that have gone to adoption. Aaron, your husband, was a fuck boy. He cared only for sex and his attitude was appalling. This week they would assign you a 'Servant' every wife had one. They would make sure you weren't in any danger and would do as you say. Aaron happened to have eight. Ironic.

You sat on your bed in your room before you heard a light knock on the door and then it opening. There stood Aaron and some boy.

"This is your servant Y/N, his name is Ashton." You took a look at Ashton. He had dirty blond hair and hazel-green eyes that stood out dramatically. Aaron left after that, with no goodbye. Typical fuck boy Aaron.

You were a bit weirded out that this guy was just going to be staring at you all the time.

"Are you suppose to stand there like that all day?" You asked. He looked at you blankly.

"That's my job" He stated.

"Aren't you hungry?" You asked him sincerely. You caught him staring at the sandwich the chefs made you at lunch.


"Yes, you are. Have some." He reluctantly walked over grabbing one-half of the sandwich. Little did both of you know that that sandwich would lead to you both having a good friendship. Slowly you guys started talking more. Secretly hoping you would both see each other in the elevator.


Ashton stood by the door staring directly at the wall.

"Ashton you can't ignore me forever," You pointed out.

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